Aftermath notes

Nov 19, 2011 16:53

This is just a quick aftermath note:
  • Barrier down. Yep, though characters may not notice at first. The barrier is completely down and the military NPCs will be out patrolling to help keep out any desert creatures that may try to come in. Everything should be quiet for the first few days...but we'll see what the moon cycle will hold.

  • Destroyed areas. Characters are allowed to venture, investigate, and help with the reconstruction of all the damaged areas. The only really restricted areas are around the sink hole and the deep inner sections of the Industrial district, which took the greatest damage. However, that doesn't mean characters won't be able to get past. It would just be difficult. (More details will be in the Moon Cycle)

  • The floating mountain. There's less restriction up on the floating mountain, though there will be local NPCs investigating the large piece of knife sticking out of it. Characters are free to investigate as well, but be forewarned. The closer they approach the area, the more nightmare energy they'll feel. It's as if it's creating a sort of miasma, and those who stay exposed to it too long will suffer extreme nightmareish hallucinations and may even fall unconscious. Not a great thing to happen considering the harsh weather conditions and environment. Even the animals are acting weird...

    However, the base and grounds of the mountain is safe. It's only near the upper peak of the actual mountain where the blade is that will be considered contaminated.
We'll have some more finer details in the next Moon Cycle post, so keep a look out for that! For now things are peaceful...

For now.

Also, very quick reminder that you can still thread in the Fighting log and the Safety Zone log all through the weekend. Since the actual event only lasted a day, we're just keeping with the timeline, and those who may want to go ahead and handle the aftermath are now free to do so!

events, !overlord

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