2 years, 5 months, 1 day-

Jul 20, 2011 13:56

Aka roughly how long since I first joined Som, as hard as it is for me to believe. And it's been an absolute blast, but I've seriously debating this for about a month now, and trying to be more active hasn't helped my inspiration. Kasuka and Julius just can't seem to do much, and after 2+ years, I think Dominic's run his course. So, it's probably time to rip off the band-aid.

I didn't think I'd ever be doing this, but I'm dropping. /)_(\ This place was my very first game, and I've never regretted joining. ♥ It's been an amazing two years, and some of my fondest RP memories will forever be from here. So, thank you to everyone who's ever threaded me, and I'm sorry to my castmates and everyone I had CR with. I'll miss them a lot, believe me. ;;

And without further ado, please:

friend remove unfearful
friend remove masterofclocks
friend remove unindicative

... That being said, I do plan on apping a new character next cycle, so hopefully I'll be back soon. o/ Too much sentimental value to quit this place for good, apparently-

Until then, though, I'll miss you, Somarium. ♥


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