Mod Update: 7/19

Jul 19, 2011 01:17

All the lists have been updated! Double check to make sure everything is correct and update your f-lists! Also including a few other reminders.

  1. If you haven't read it yet, we posted an important announcement regarding the game.

  2. Taken Characters: # - M | N - Z (Current character count is: 281 ...still can't believe it.)

  3. Player Contact (Current player count is: 14something-Nivi where are you.)

  4. Friends Add/Remove You can use the Admin Console here. New Players! Don't forget to add any leftover journals you may have missed the first time!
    friend add aeoelingweard
    friend add bewareboy6
    friend add child_of_maduin
    friend add cloudedjudgemnt
    friend add deceptious
    friend add defyantigravity
    friend add fiveminutefail
    friend add halfelfmagic
    friend add livethecreed
    friend add noahhobo
    friend add noblependragon
    friend add norwei
    friend add scytheyouout
    friend add selfmotivations
    friend add shushushuriken
    friend add suchlovelyred
    friend add unholydecree

    friend add fadedflash

    friend add agreat_thief
    friend add beatskyon
    friend add leansoneveryone
    friend add moebotbee
    friend add redroseprince
    friend add resonancy
    friend add restoringbliss
    friend add sable_repose
    friend add soularousal
    friend add winxofnature

    friend add atrumrebellis
    friend add battlemaged
    friend add buildingreality
    friend add damnwashtubs
    friend add fortunes_gun
    friend add gr33nblood
    friend add inertias
    friend add inheritors
    friend add killthecrimsons
    friend add mamore_nakatta
    friend add ofthefall
    friend add psychoanalyzer
    friend add sexyoldgirl
    friend add stillneedsakiss
    friend add thisidid
    friend add voidofhue
    friend add wants2befound

    friend remove fantastictoo
    friend remove fedbyanguish
    friend remove inbedatsix
    friend remove ishikawa_juusan
    friend remove shines_bright
    friend remove sonicpinstripes
    friend remove zodiac_shishou

    friend remove bearitproudly
    friend remove bringslife
    friend remove carnivalcat
    friend remove extravagances
    friend remove fireshuriken
    friend remove monsteridol
    friend remove thefowlprodigy
    friend remove turnmytable

    friend remove girlpowertouka
    friend remove lacrosseracket
    friend remove letalis_anima
    friend remove luvtrianglewoes
    friend remove luxanguis
    friend remove papahunter
    friend remove squaredly
    friend remove tastysidedish

    friend remove charientisms
    friend remove daienkai
    friend remove dangerouscience
    friend remove didmyhairgoout
    friend remove homerunmagica
    friend remove jeweled_dagger
    friend remove jiarongze
    friend remove kimonocat
    friend remove lethal_smile
    friend remove partlyblackened
    friend remove punchesbards
    friend remove stoicsoldier
    friend remove suppressedtime
    friend remove the_lovely_86
    friend remove wantsmisfortune

  5. Stats:
    New Characters: 45
    New Players: 22
    Dropped Characters: 23
    Dropped Players: 4

  6. Residence

  7. Special Permissions - Don't forget to either go through this or post to it if your character has a unique/special permissions post.
If we missed anything, let us know!

*update, !overlord

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