Apps Page v.3

Aug 02, 2018 18:43


Applications are only open for the first week of the month. That is, from the 1st through the 7th. Applications close at exactly 12:00 AM (CST) on the 8th of the month. Any applications submitted after that point will be screened with a note. Applications will be reviewed at random intervals throughout the cycle, but will be processed no later than the 8th if at all possible.

It has not been officially decided, but Somarium is considering moving to Dreamwidth. Open discussion is currently in the works, but we can at least say that should we move, it will not happen until late January or early February. This may affect the decision for many applicants, so we want to give everyone a heads up right now. January applications will still be open as scheduled.



So you think you're ready to apply for a character now? Great! Some points to note before you get started:

  • First and most important: READ THE RULES.
  • Be sure to look at the taken characters and reserved characters to make sure the character you're planning on applying for isn't already claimed.
  • If you need ideas for who to apply for, feel free to look through the requested characters to see who the other players here want.
  • Be sure to fill out the app form completely, and in enough depth that we can see you know the character and are able to write them. See the guidelines and tips we provided below the application form.
  • Use your own words. Do not plagiarize another player's application or an outside source, especially in the personality section. We want to see your perspective on the character, not someone else's.
  • Reusing applications you made for other games is perfectly fine. The only thing we ask is for the sample to be made for Somarium only.
  • Remember! We will only accept characters age ten and over (with some exceptions), and players age thirteen and over.
  • Application challenges are allowed. However, as stated in the Rules page, reserves will have first priority. If a challenge is sent in, we will wait until either the reserved applicant has sent in their application, or until the end of the cycle since the reserve lasts for the whole cycle. If two applications are placed for an unreserved character, we will look at them at the same time.
  • Once you're finished with your application, post it as a reply to this post. We accept both linked applications and direct comment applications. If your application is linked, please be sure that it is made public so that we can see it.
  • If you're looking to app an Add-On, refer to this post.

Application form:

[Player name]
[Personal Journal]
[Other characters currently played] (ONLY for characters currently played in Somarium and if applicable. Format as: Name / Canon / Journal)

[Character name]
[Point in time taken from canon]

NOTE: Links to an outside source such as a Wiki page is acceptable. However, if there are any major developments that happen that are not included in the linked source, please write it out and include it as well as the link. You are still free to completely write out the background on your own if you so wish to do so. Length can be variable.

The minimum should be about three well developed paragraphs. We encourage applicants to probe deeper into the character's mind and lay out not only the fundamentals, but also what makes the character unique. Their quirks, habits, opinions, philosophies...take all those things into account. Tip: Consider the character's strengths and weaknesses. Even if they have a dominant trait, don't forget to mention the other parts of them. A character is three-dimensional, not flat.

This will vary since some characters may not have any type of special ability. So feel free to put "N/A" if there's nothing. We're really more interested in any characters who do have supernatural powers/skills. No need to give a full, detailed list, just a quick summary will work, or even a link to an outside source. Please note that we do impose some restrictions in the game on characters who are particularly powerful. If your character's powers would be restricted, you should include both what their powers are in canon and how they will be adjusted in Somarium.

[Other important stuff]
Any other information that didn't quite fit in any of the other sections can go here! Also any notes on how the character is affected in Somarium can be placed here as well.

[Sample Post]
We require two samples, a first and third person sample. Remember, samples are to show us how you plan to play the character in Somarium. Therefore, samples MUST be made for Somarium. We will no longer allow samples made for other games.

For samples set in Somarium, you can go ahead and pretend that the character has already been in the game for a while. It is also possible to have the samples set in the character's canon world if you are more familiar and feel can work with that setting better. However, samples based on canon scenes are no longer acceptable. The samples must be original.

[First Person]
For the First Person samples, we are primarily looking for the character's literal voice. There should be little to no action involved and should be mostly dialogue based. These should have a minimum of eight (8) sentences of dialogue. If you're stuck, we have provided a list of interview-type questions that characters can answer. Players must choose a minimum of six (6), though more is allowed. The complete set of questions are provided, but here is a sample of what they are like:
- You see a bloody knife on the floor. What do you do or think?
- You're asked to take someone out for a date. Do you agree? If so, describe what you would do. If not, tell why.
- Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.
- Would you consider yourself a lover, a hater, a sinner, or a saint? Or maybe a mix?

You can treat these questions however you like. If the strict interview or survey type format isn't for you, you can modify them so that they are set in more of a conversational setting. You can also use a question or two as a base for your own original sample if you feel you can write a long enough sample.

[Third Person]
For the Third Person samples, we are looking for not only voice, but also how the character actually works. How or what are they thinking? How do they react? Third person samples may be easier for characters that are less talkative and more action oriented, so players should use this to their advantage. As with the first person samples, there are prompts that players can use to help with writing their samples. Try to stay away from generic "Where am I? What am I doing?!" type samples. Assuming the character has been around is fine. Have them interact with their surrounding, and try to be as creative and original as possible! This is also where we can see how you write, so we expect at least proper grammar and spelling.

They should be at least 2-3 paragraphs minimum.

A final note on how we judge the samples: Both samples are looked at as a whole. If one sample is a little lacking, but the other is perfectly fine and covers everything, then the sample will be considered acceptable. So applicants should not feel pressured to have perfect samples for both. However, we may ask for a revision on one if it's really unacceptable or the other is not good enough to make up for it.

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] Nothing lengthy, but this is to help you figure out what you'd like to do with the character in Somarium. How you answer has no effect on how we judge the app.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?]
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] (Optional)
[Any questions?]

Have some copypasta:

[Player name]
[Personal Journal]
[Other characters currently played] (ONLY for characters currently played in Somarium and if applicable. Format as: Name / Canon / Journal)

[Character name]
[Point in time taken from canon]

(Wiki links are allowed)


(Wiki links are allowed)

[Other important stuff]

[Sample post]
[First Person]

[Third Person]

[Why do you want to play this character in Somarium?] We'd just like to get an idea of why you wish to play this particular character. No need for anything lengthy, just a sentence or two will work (but giving us more than that is perfectly A-OK!). We will NOT judge applicants by how they respond to this question.
[Which rule was your favorite and why?]
[Where did you hear about Somarium?] (Optional)
[Any questions?]

(Sample Prompts)
The following sample questions/prompts are OPTIONAL. If you're stuck, feel free to use these to your advantage.

(Instructions: From the list below, choose AT LEAST SIX (6) to answer. Copy the chosen set of questions back up in the SAMPLE section with your character's responses. You are welcome to do more, but there must be a MINIMUM OF SIX (6). There is a wide range of question-types, from generic to specially designed, in an effort to cater to the various character-types, so choose the ones that you feel your character would either easily answer OR would give the most interesting response to.

You can pretend the character is 1) sitting in front of a random person and answering the questions verbally to them; 2) taking a written interview and the character is writing their answers; or 3) modify the question so that they're more like a conversation topic rather than strict interview.

REMEMBER! The questions are designed to help portray the character's VOICE. We are interested in hearing how the character "speaks" and will be looking to see their personality in how they answer the questions. The answers should be how the CHARACTER answers, not what they would really do. That is, if they would lie, have them lie. Just make an OOC note that they are indeed lying on that question.)

- What do you think of your home world?
- If you could go back home, would you? Why or why not?
- What were you doing before now?
- If you were to describe yourself in one sentence, what would that be?
- If someone provoked or attacked you, what would you do?
- Would you consider yourself a power hungry individual?
- Someone comes to you to ask for the time. How would you respond?
- Someone is trying to rob you! What do you do?
- If I offered to save your soul for a price, would you go with it and why?
- Do you stand up against authority, go against all odds, and if you could, pierce the heavens with your fighting spirit? If not, would you if you could?
- Would you consider yourself a hero or a villain? Why? Neither is an option as well, but still tell why.
- If you could have any super ability, what would it be and why?
- You're asked to take someone out for a date. Do you agree? If so, describe what you would do. If not, tell why.
- Your country is in the middle of a war. What do you think of it? Do you support it or try to solve it yourself by going on an epic quest? Explain.
- You are on the verge of death. You know there is no way to survive and there's no coming back. Choose any of the following to answer: What is your last wish? Your last regret? Last thoughts? How do you feel? Who is the last person you think of other than your killer? (can answer more than one of these question, but it will at most count as 2 questions)
- You are a given a mission. Would you complete it effectively or would you goof off and do something else? Expand a little on the response.
- Murder. What is your opinion?
- You have two options: either save your friend who is hanging from a cliff, or chase after the bad guy who put them in a position. If you choose the former, the bad guy will get away and it will be hard to catch him. If you choose the latter, the cliff will crumble and the friend will fall to the spiky rocks below. What do you do and why?
- You discover someone stalking you. Do you call the police or deal with it yourself?
- What is more important to you: having friends or living on your own? Why?
- The hottest boy/girl in class/workplace just confessed their love to you. How do you respond?
- You just got a challenge to fight from one of the strongest gang leaders around. Do you accept or reject? Why?
- There is a cake in the rain. What do you do?
- Would you consider yourself a well traveled person? If so, what are some of your favorite places? If not, would you want to travel or is there some place you want to go?
- Do you prefer adventure or the peaceful life?
- Do you prefer the city or living out in the country? Why?
- You are suddenly told you are the child of an ancient prophecy to save the world. How do you feel? Will you embark on your journey? Or would you rather shove it onto someone else and run away? Explain.
- If you could destroy a city, how would you do it?
- If you could fight in a giant robot, what would it be and what would you do?
- You're dirt poor and your family is starving. You have a chance to steal bread. Do you: a) ignore it and get a job, b) steal it anyway because you know you won't get caught, c) get caught but break out of prison anyway, d) steal it and then hide from the creepy cop that keeps stalking you, e) don't steal because stealing is wrong :(. Explain why you chose that option.
- You see a bloody knife on the floor. What do you do or think?
- Would you consider yourself a lover, a hater, a sinner, or a saint? Or maybe a mix of both?
- Is the best part of waking up having Folger's in your cup?
- You are forced onto the dance floor and you MUST dance or the most important person or thing will be destroyed. What do you end up dancing and to what music?
- If you could change your current lifestyle or job career, what would it be?
- Do you have any future goals or dreams? What are they?
- Am I asking too many personal or strange questions?
- Oh look, there's a double rainbow! [For this prompt, write how your character would react if someone randomly shouted and pointed to the sky saying this line.]
- Can you surpass God?
- Also, your thoughts on symmetry?
- Some angry birds come to you to help them defeat some evil green pigs. Do you help them out?
- What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
- If you could be superhero, what would your codename and special power be?
- Do you believe you can fly? Do you believe you can touch the sky?
- Oh no! Someone tripped and injured themselves right in front of you! What do you do?
- Hey, did you hear about that giant sale going on? Interested? What would you want to get?
- You find yourself on a robot unicorn. What do you do?
- Would you prefer being the stalker, or the one being stalked? And what would you do?
- You find yourself with a cute, little penguin slave. What do you do with it?
- Do you believe in the magic of friendship?
- How is space?
- You are told that this is a dream world, but you must go deeper. What are your first thoughts?
- What disgusts you the most?
- What pleases you the most?
- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- The blue pill or the red pill?
- Will you make a contract with me? /人 ◕ ‿‿ ◕ 人\

(Instructions: These can be used for either the first or third person samples. You can alter the prompts in any way if you can think of something else to do with them, and you are free to take them in any direction you want. You can also combine prompts. These are generic, and not all of them are set in Somarium. For any prompt, remember to be creative!)

- Describe what your character is doing/thinking/wishing/etc. in the following scenario: It's cold and raining. Their umbrella has blown over and is no longer usable. There are three buildings they could run to: 1) the closest is a dark, decrepit old shack that looks like it could fall over any minute, 2) a little ways down the street is an old, abandoned house, but is that blood dripping from the window...?, 3) three blocks up there is a nice hotel all lit up and looks pretty safe.

- You've been in Somarium for some time and are out exploring. Choose one (or more) of the following settings: 1) a field full of aggressive scarecrows, 2) the forests of the floating mountain, 3) down by the lake, 4) somewhere in the streets of Somni. Remember to use the setting and the NPCs to your advantage. Have the character interact with the environment, or be reminded of home.

- Someone is being mugged! With complete control over NPC actions, write a sample that illustrates: 1) how or what the character is thinking before the event happens, 2) how they react and deal with the situation, and 3) if necessary, how they handle the aftermath. This will allow both a change to show your character both in a normal situation and a forced situation.

- Not so much a prompt as a tip. Remember, we would like to see the character as they would on a NORMAL day. Fun filled action prompts are fun to read, but they might not cover all aspects of the character. Of course, if the first-person shows a typical normal outlook of the character, then the third could be used to show how the character acts in a not so normal situation. If possible, mix the two together: a normal state followed by a surprise action state. The events don't always have to make sense, and odd things do happen in Somarium. So have fun with it!

Please remember to wait for your application to be accepted before you start to play.

NOTICE: Please refrain from commenting on other people's applications unless it is absolutely necessary. If you like their application or have a question about it, it's almost always better to wait until an official verdict has been given. Unnecessary comments clutter up both the apps page and the mods' inboxes. If we notice excessive comments, we will start to screen them.

[For more examples, you can look at the applications posted in this entry OR in the previous application posts.]


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