Sasuke 01: Something to Prove

May 11, 2011 21:59

Who: ackupunctured and ischarming possibly followed by nolessthanseven
Where: Mansion 1B and potentially in the field nearby.
Style: Third
Status: Closed. Izzy can jump in once the boys are done 'bonding', or you know a little before |D

Sasuke hadn't felt this level of excitement in what seemed like far too long. Every nerve in his body seemed to be buzzing as he ran across the fields of Espoir towards the mansion in which Jace lived. Thanks to Isabelle he'd been able to track down the mystery man who'd bested him back during the last full moon.

Sasuke wasn't not going to let that happen again, and he refused to allow the other to think he was nothing but talk. He wasn't like Naruto, always talking big, but nothing to show for it. The thought of the blonde back home caused Sasuke's teeth to grit and only added to his irritation and anger. He picked up his speed and it didn't take long for him to reach the house, and even less time to find the window in which Jace had been sleeping. He'd stopped by soon after his conversation with Isabelle, but seeing Jace asleep he decided to bide his time. There wasn't anything to prove by beating up a sleeping body after all.

A quick glance through the window told him Jace wasn't in the room any longer, but that wasn't going to stop the young Uchiha from waiting out his prey. He placed his hands on the window pane and focused his chakra so that his hands were stuck properly to the glass. He pushed upwards and lucky for Jace, no broken windows for him, the pane slid up easily. Sasuke moved inside; he barely cast a glance at the rather impersonal room. He positioned himself in the corner opposite the door and crouched down, to wait for the unsuspecting blond.

jace lightwood, sasuke uchiha

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