「welcome to your new reality 」 » 001 «

May 06, 2011 20:55

Who: Elena Fisher & Opened.
Where: Espoir; forest nearby.
Style: First is preferred, but you can do either.
Status: Open.

[ Leaves rustled as she made her way through the forest. She’d found herself in some little city that most definitely wasn’t Nepal some time ago, God only knew where the hell she had ended up this time and while she was concerned about it the bigger question was how rather than where. Someone she had met told her it was a land of dreams, a place called Somarium; but that was utterly ridiculous.

If Elena Fisher was going to be having any dreams right now they wouldn’t be of strange worlds that had no familiarity to her whatsoever; they would be nightmares of certain Russian assholes. Not for herself but for him, because he wouldn’t survive a moment in her mind with how irritated that she was over… ]

Ngh, Goddamn it! [ She snapped as a cluster of leaves and twiggy branches scratched at her arms whilst she made her way through said forest she’d come in contact with. Honestly given the nature of the city she’d previously been in within Nepal, she had to admit that the smell of nature bode much better with her, there was a severe lack in blood in the air. Elena frowned though. How could she let this happen to him? When that idiot treasure hunter had vanished into that damned temple with his little girlfriend, she should have left with Jeff.

Why did she always have to follow… ]

And just as I thought… [ She threw her hands up helplessly, heaving a heavy sigh. ] …nothing here that looks like anything I remember, either.

‘Somarium’ pff. What the hell did that girl even…

You know. If this is a dream, I would really like to wake the hell up! [ She called out to no one in particular; perhaps trying to contact her ‘sleeping’ self. Obviously this did nothing, she didn’t ‘rouse’ and was still lost in some strange place and Jeff was still… ]

Damn it. [ Elena’s fingers pushed into her hair, pulling back strands that had fallen from her pins into her face, her back met with the nearby trunk of a tree and she sunk to the ground, giving a gentle grunt as she met with it. Closing her eyes tightly, she curled her fingers and held her breath for a moment as she thought about everything that had happened. The Russian, Zoran Lazarevic, had pointed his gun to her then cameraman Jeff and fired. Dead on contact with the bullet. Then he had aimed at herself and after closing her eyes for that brief moment… She found herself in this city.

None of it made any sense. And in the end, when it came to Jeff… ] …this is all my fault…

elena fisher, nathan drake, !location: espoir

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