Who: Kazuma,
SomariumWhere: Kazuma's dojo shop, Somni
Style: Started in third, but will match either.
Status: Open, please drop by
Warnings: Brief mention of 1920's Anti-Japanese sentiment.
It had been the third window in as many weeks, luckily the shop had been rather quiet with only a customer or two present when the glass had shattered; leaving a brick wrapped in a
news paper article lying on the floor. Grabbing the broom Kazuma began to clean up the mess before anyone could get hurt on the shards. It had been annoying the way that several individuals and groups had seemed set on targeting his and several other stores in the area, though the expression only lingered for a moment before Kazuma sighed and started to think about who should be called.
Kyou would throw a fit when he found out that the window would have to be replaced again, but then his temperamental son had been spending a lot of time with his Tohru and Kazuma suspected that he might be scarce for the afternoon. Figuring that he could ask Haruhi when she came in later if she knew anything, Kazuma swept up the glass shards after picking up the paper and brick. It had seemed that a lot of people had been finding romantic interests of late, and numerous rumors of proposals floating around that he had overheard customers talking about as they picked out items. Despite the window he couldn't help but to smile at the thought of Kyou possibly getting married, or the possibility of having grandchildren one day. Dumping the dust pan into the trash, Kazuma turned around as he heard the door open once again, the brick and article still lying on the counter, and few items lying near the door where they had fallen, "Welcome, please forgive the mess."