Nero ☩ 008

Apr 23, 2011 23:01

Who: partlyblackened and all you jazzy characters
Where: Outside a random club
Style: I’ll match!
Status: OPEN ♥
Note: Nero’s AU history here!

[Nero has been bar hopping, the pungent smell of liquor practically radiates off of him in foul smelling waves as he stumbles conspicuously through the bustling, late night streets.

He’s clearly distressed, and for those who know him (or know of him), they would know why he has every right to be. His nearly immobilized arm hangs limply outside the sling he wears around his neck, and his shoulders are slumped as if the large sword on his back weighs more than it should.

Searching. Waiting. Searching. Waiting. That’s all he’s been doing, and that is what actually weighs him down.

He slumps into the alley outside of a nearby club, choosing to wait there for anyone who might be looking for him tonight. He’s ruining that snazzy black, pinstriped suit of his, and it may be arguably louder out there than on the inside, but he needs the air.]

!location: somni, nero, lara croft, !moon: cycle 63, dante

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