ootorospring ,
spectaculaire , and
abitoverhalf Where: the Doctor's home
Style: third
Status: closed
When she'd first told her acting father-figure that she was engaged, Haruhi had agreed to let him meet her fiance at least once before the wedding. Orchestrating a meet had been difficult-- all three of the parties involved had very busy, rather inflexible schedules-- but they'd finally found a date and a time that worked. So it was that she stood before Dr. Ashbury's door, twisting the ring around her left fourth finger (its presence would still take some getting used to) as she stood side by side with Rene.
She glanced up at the blond as they waited, trying to read his expression. She knew he tended to be more excitable than she was at times, and this seemed just like the sort of situation that would make him at least a little jittery. "Thanks for agreeing to meet him, Tamaki," she told him, breaking the silence.