Liquid → 012 1920's AU

Apr 20, 2011 23:33

 Who: Liquid Snake and Naomi Hunter
Where:  Naomi's apartment
Style: Either
Status:  Closed

James Hunter, the man who had once been known as the agent Liquid Snake, was sitting in the darkness of his sister's apartment, lounging casually in one of her chairs.  He was waiting for her to get back from her evening at the speakeasy; he had memorized her schedule only a few days after he had arrived in the city and knew when she would be finished.  He couldn't really approve of her choice in occupation but, really, how much room did he have to talk, considering what he himself was doing?  And, anyway, even if he disregarded that, he had been out of her life for so long that he didn't really have the right to tell her how to live it anymore.

He hadn't seen Naomi since she was a moody, bratty teenage girl.  His little sister was a woman now... and set to get married soon.

Which, of course, was the reason that he was sitting in her apartment now.  What kind of brother would he be if he didn't congratulate his baby sister on her engagement?  Not that he approved of it-- just another thing to add to his list of disapprovals-- but, nevertheless, she was going to be married.  Even if she was going to be married to some dirtbag, bastard Fed who he'd rather see six feet under than in bed next to his sibling, he would still congratulate her.

If the government hadn't been out for his head, he might have even attended.  Hell, if there wasn't a price on his head, there were a lot of things that he would have done-- but he had given up his family for a chance at revenge.  He had given up the idea of comfort and home to satisfy a desire for vengeance at being betrayed.  Perhaps Naomi would be upset with him for choosing as he did, but even so, he would not have chosen otherwise.

And so, he waited.

!moon: cycle 63, liquid snake, naomi hunter

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