SOLLUX ♊ 002

Apr 11, 2011 06:51

Who: Sollux Captor and youWhere: Espoir ( Read more... )

eridan ampora, !location: espoir, sollux captor, karkat vantas

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forevveraglub April 13 2011, 17:19:20 UTC
It was more humorous than it probably should have been for the Aquarius to watch the blind Gemini stumbling around like that. Having such issues with his surroundings and the like. But it wasn't like Eridan exactly had good taste in his actions or even in what he found humorous, so it did not matter for the sea troll. This was also a troll he hated, a rival in love and one he hated more than anyone--no, not anyone, near anyone, but not exactly. He had a different outlet for that hate now, but Sollux still inspired deep ire within him, but maybe now it was merely platonic? He wasn't sure, he was never sure of his emotions and feelings to begin with.

Regardless, he continues his stalking, following the troll through Espoir, eventually he'd have to return home and that would be when this game of predator would be over, having successfully gained what he was seeking. Karkat couldn't hide his hive forever after all. Eridan was crafty, and Sollux so happened to waltz in and give him ample opportunity to obtain this desired information.

Of course never once did it occur to him with that with Sollux being blind, Eridan probably had a better chance finding their hive on his own than with the aid he'd get from Sollux.


sm00chmylisp April 19 2011, 06:19:16 UTC
Sollux continued stumbling along, his features growing more irritated as he went. If a stick or a rock happened to be in his way he'd trip over it then mumble curses under his breath and kick at the ground in an attempt to harm whatever it was that was in his way. After a failed kick however he'd continue walking.

This walk really wasn't as distracting as he had hoped it had been. All it had managed to do so far was rile him up more. The anger had shifted back to himself though. As much as Kaykay would still be an idiot for getting with Eridan, it wasn't like his friend knew. It was stupid he was even worried like this really. They were kismesis, they were supposed to be violent. Fighting was what was supposed to happened. Sollux didn't care about that however. He just thought the Aquarius might take things too far.

It would be his fault that his friend got hurt or worse. Who knew what the fuck the sea troll would do. Why the fuck was he even thinking about all of this, it was stupid and nosy and... quite frankly none of his business but god was it bothering him and WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE--


He had finally found the road again. He had to stop to tap his foot against the ground several times to make sure it actually was the road. The feeling of walking on grass compared to concrete was a big enough difference that he shouldn't of had to, but it was nice to feel the difference-- a relief even.

The Gemini sighed to himself, despite his accomplishment he had no clue where he was anymore. He wasn't about to call Karkat up yet though. No, he was going to prolong that as long as he could. He could just keep walking even though he was getting tired.


forevveraglub April 19 2011, 06:30:25 UTC
Needless to say as entertaining as it was to watch the blind troll stumbling about like an empty-lobed idiot, it was getting old fast. Eridan was getting impatient and just wanted Sollux to head back to his hive so he could get the information he wanted. He didn't care to watch him trip over sticks and fail kick the offenders, or test to see if he was indeed on the rode and the grass hadn't just become super hard out of no where. At least with finding the road, he was starting to actually have some direction with where he was going. That was a relief, but who was to say that it was in the direction Eridan wanted him to go? He didn't know and chances were, Sollux himself didn't either.

So he continued to follow him silently, hoping that maybe the lousy low blood would eventually find his way home, though as this persisted, Eridan was almost certain that this was going to either take forever or be completely fruitless--however he couldn't give up if there was even the smallest chance he'd get the desired information.


sm00chmylisp April 19 2011, 06:50:01 UTC
Sollux didn't have any trouble walking on the road at least, he just happened to be going in the opposite direction of their home. His pace wasn't necessarily fast anymore, and the blind troll's body language didn't seem frustrated either. He was just walking to have something to do all the while mentally putting off calling Karkat until he could no longer.

After a bit he stopped walking all together and pulled out his Dreamberry to make the dreaded call. He had cooled down quite a bit, feeling his last outburst at his friend was stupid. They still needed to talk though, but now it was awkward. Fuck.

So here he was ringing Karkat back.

"...hey Kaykay? I don't know how to get back to the hive."


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sm00chmylisp April 19 2011, 07:30:42 UTC
"If I could get back by myself I would have, ok?"

Talking to Karkat was hard right now, if he hadn't hung up on him in the first place they would have got this out of the way instead of whatever this was right now. He wasn't too keen on continuing their previous conversation in the middle of who the fuck knows where either, but uh.

"We still need to talk though, I just...needed a break."


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sm00chmylips April 19 2011, 08:06:29 UTC
Guh, ok it looked like Sollux couldn't put it off till they were in person then. He should have expected this, but he didn't. Karkat's words stung, but it was something he knew he deserved. He hadn't said anything particularly nice to the cancer during the last time after all. Yelling back now though was the easiest option.

"Look, I couldn't fucking stand talking to you then alright? You were just making shit worse so I fucking hung up! I... I don't know why I thought that, you sure as hell weren't helping your case though. Just... Eridan."

Oh well, yelling was easy at first. It had died down though. He had no excuses.


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sm00chmylips April 19 2011, 08:49:24 UTC
Sollux was covering his face with his hand as if somehow if he hid his face and closed his eyes it would be easier to say this. Not that it really mattered if his eyes were open or not.

"It's not that Kaykay...I mean yeah, I'm surprised you would give him a chance but that's not it."

The last part threw him off though, really? That's what Karkat thought his problem was? Then again he hadn't been the best at explaining himself so far. He'd just made everything worse.

"Fuck, no just. I'm glad you have a kismesis now and I didn't want that douchebag for myself either. I hate him, but it's not like that." He sighed, pausing a moment to find the words to say. Why was he so stupid, why did he get so bent out of shape by his friend's kismesis. "Look, I just don't trust him, ok?"


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sm00chmylips April 19 2011, 09:30:58 UTC
"Exactly. So I don't trust him with my best friend either. I wouldn't put it past him to go overboard with the whole thing. I don't know about the Eridan here, but back in the Veil he lost his fucking mind."

Oh, yeah Sollux had never told Karkat about what happened in the Veil. Karkat had been too tired to comprehend it before, and after that Sollux had forgotten to bring it up. It didn't seem like it really mattered at the time.

"Shit, I never told you did I? The whole reason I fought Eridan again in the Veil was because he was planning on leaving to join Jack--the demon we were hiding from on that stupid meteor in the first place, and risk leading the demon back to us. The fight didn't go how I planned though obviously."

Eridan here in Somarium didn't even remember the fight though. So who knew if he had lost his shit yet. Sollux sure as hell didn't. He just didn't want him with his best friend. If Karkat thought he could handle this though, it would be better for him to step off it for now. Way to try to ruin his relationship with worries and the like.

"... Whatever, he's your kismesis. Just... I don't know be careful or something. That's not even the point if you're kismesis but I don't know. It's stupid."

Bluh. He was 0k with Eridan if he stayed out of his shit. That's why it didn't really matter. Eridan in Karkat's shit though had him worried and it was stupid of him to worry. Karkat could take care of himself, why the fuck should he even be bothering with this.

"Can you just help me get back to the hive? "


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sm00chmylips April 19 2011, 10:10:32 UTC
"Yeah. I really don't care that he's your kismesis, I just don't want to see you dead because of it. I wouldn't be able to laugh at your horrible taste in a kismesis if you died."

Well Sollux was feeling a bit better now that he got that off of his chest. The whole thing was still retarded, but at least they had cleared that up and Kaykay was going to be careful with Eridan. He was definitely ready to go back to the hive now.

"Alright, thanks." He did as Karkat asked, holding the Dreamberry out and turning with it to show where he was. His walk had left him somewhere near the chapel, close to the bridge. He had panned the camera a bit fast, but at one point a blur of a person wearing purple could be seen.


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forevveraglub April 19 2011, 10:26:02 UTC
The entire conversation Eridan had been a good distance away, and by good I mean close enough to eavesdrop and not be noticed--till Sollux started waving his dreamberry around like he was trying to hit something out of the air. Of course, Eridan knew what he was doing, so when Sollux turned toward him, he tried to get out of view--but seeing as there was little to no cover that didn't really happen. Silently he cursed to himself, knowing that chances were, Karkat saw him, so whatever he was going to do, he needed to do it fast.

Once the dreamberry conversation was over, he made his advance.

"Sol, you are as useless as you are blind you know that? Not to mention a shameless fuckin' liar. Like I'd ewer fuckin' go with Jack, are you fuckin' kiddin' me? I should cull you where you stand with all that fuckin' slander you just force fed to Kar!" He was actually pretty upset with all the things he told Karkat, despite the fact that the Jack part was his plan when he was making his way to speak with Feferi, but how could he possibly know that?


It didn't matter, what did was the fact that Sollux had spread a bunch of fuckin' lies about him, probably in an attempt to ruin their relationship. All that poppycock he fed Karkat about being okay with it, he knew better than to believe it. Sollux was merely trying to keep in Karkat's good graces while soiling his image. And that was unforgivable!


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