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Comments 271

electricbatman January 24 2009, 18:42:42 UTC
Hei stumbled into the Café on a whim, it being the closest, seemingly structurally sound building in the area. It was pouring outside; any way to get out of the rain just that much faster was a welcome one, and he was a little too far from his apartment to go back there instead. He started trying to wring the excess water out of his clothes and hair as he made his way around the overturned furniture. Hopefully the other people in the café wouldn't mind his presence there.


youngatbody January 25 2009, 02:25:52 UTC
Amber's small house in Espoir had been rocked especially hard. She had not panicked at all, but thought the situation through calmly and decided that she would use her powers only if she truly needed to. She made it to the city on foot. She spotted a brightly-lit, still sound-looking building and made the decision to stop inside.

She lowered her clear umbrella and took the baseball cap off of her head, shaking her long hair out, taking a look around at the people gathered there. She was about to say hi to a few, when she noticed a very familiar figure in civilian clothes.

She stopped herself just in time from calling, "Hei!" Instead she approached him quietly, swinging the umbrella at her side. She knew just from his appearance that she could not call him 'Hei' here.

"...Li Shengshun," she said, smiling.


electricbatman January 25 2009, 07:26:54 UTC
Hei instantly recognized the voice and wheeled around to face Amber. He opened his mouth to respond, then snapped it shut very quickly upon remembering that he was in a public place surrounded by people and he could not act the same way he usually did towards Amber. Here, he still had to keep up his façade.

"M-Miss Amber," he said politely, fixing her with the most innocent, air-headed smile he could muster, "Some weather we're having, don't you think?"

It felt strange, speaking to her like he was. He never had before.


youngatbody January 25 2009, 07:32:29 UTC
Amber could not hold back her gigantic grin to see Hei dressed and talking in such a way. She played along cheerfully. "I know, right?" she said, beaming. "Pretty wild out there. Your home wasn't damaged, was it?" There was something... nice about just being able to make casual conversation like this.


uncommontype January 24 2009, 19:57:46 UTC
Haruhi was very, very wet. And still looking rather shell-shocked from running through the rain with lightning and thunder crashing around them. "A-Ah...are there towels or something somewhere...?"


spectaculaire January 24 2009, 20:00:05 UTC
"Yes, there should be some in the closet in the dressing room," Tamaki said as he made his way to the kitchen.


uncommontype January 24 2009, 20:25:50 UTC
"Right..." She headed over to the dressing room, and looked inside the closet. There was a stack of towels on a shelf; she picked up the entire stack and brought it back out to the main cafe area, setting them on a table.

Haruhi grabbed the top towel on the stack and started trying to dry off her hair. Her clothes were quite thoroughly soaked, and would take much longer to dry; she was glad she'd been wearing pants when the rainstorm started, instead of a skirt.


1/3 spectaculaire January 24 2009, 20:28:16 UTC
It only took Tamaki a few minutes to turn off the gas as well as make a quick inventory check. While a lot had fallen during the quake, the kitchen was still relatively well stocked and the power was still running.

He took the time to make some tea before coming back out. setting it down on a nearby table and taking one of the towels.

"Well we should be all right here," Tamaki said with a reassuring smile.


cry_moar January 24 2009, 19:59:37 UTC
*Particularly perceptive people may take notice of the two ghosts that have taken a seat(?) over at a corner table. The Sorrow takes this time to remove his hood*

Lovely weather.


(The comment has been removed)

cry_moar January 24 2009, 21:13:50 UTC
*Sorrow looks on with a touch of amusement as the tea cups move towards their table. He takes one as soon as it's close enough to reach and gives his ghosty friend a nod of thanks*

I wonder what has caused it. Even I cannot make it rain like this.


(The comment has been removed)

1levelrougher January 24 2009, 20:40:40 UTC
The doors banged open again as a small redheaded boy bolted into the Café, away from the cold and wet and scary of being outside alone in the storm. He looked like he was holding himself together through the sheer force of his will and he took a moment to gather himself before staring around the Café and blurting out, "Where's Kaoru?"


spectaculaire January 24 2009, 20:54:42 UTC
Tamaki blinked when he turned and saw the small redhead.

He...looked familiar, but it wasn't until he heard "Kaoru" that he was able to put two and two together.

"Hi...HIKARU?!" Tamaki exclaimed in shock and ran over to him. "Hikaru what...how...?!?!?!"

The poor blond was so confused.


1levelrougher January 24 2009, 21:00:57 UTC
Hikaru glared sharply at Tamaki, not recognizing him and quickly getting frustrated with not knowing anyone in the city. "Who are you?" he asked bluntly, crossing his arms over his small wet frame.


spectaculaire January 24 2009, 22:52:06 UTC
"You don't remember?" Tamaki said, a bit in distress. Was this one of those card things?

Well at any rate, it would not do to have Hikaru soaking wet like that.

"Ah...I'm Suoh Tamaki," he said quickly as he started to try and dry off the redhead.


ofgratitude January 24 2009, 23:47:24 UTC
The Café was just visible in the darkness, small and solid but most importantly stable, and Allelujah loped towards it without hesitation because the ground had been moving and whatever was inside couldn't be worse than that. Storms blew over the island sometimes, though never ones like this, and in any case it was more common to watch their passage from far overhead, tracing curled cloud patterns over the Earth's surface and wondering what the people below it saw.

Stepping through the doors was immediate relief, and he threaded fingers through the sopping mess that was his hair, pushing it back to glance about the area. Tumbled furniture suggested the Café hadn't escaped unscathed, but it was still preferable to no shelter at all, and he cautiously sidled in further.


mindhax January 28 2009, 02:00:53 UTC
Mao entered the café not long after, not even bothering to try to dry himself off in the slightest. He'd already moved from one safe point to another, so who was to say he wouldn't do it again for one reason or another? He fiddled absently with the volume dial for his headphones. If all this water caused them to short out...

But then something caught his attention in the mind of the man a ways in front of him and completely distracted Mao. Suddenly, the rain and the noise didn't matter so much. Careful to avoid the upturned furniture, he came up behind Allelujah and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey," he began casually, "can I ask you a question?"


ofgratitude January 29 2009, 07:13:58 UTC
Standing some way in so as not to impede new arrivals, Allelujah flicked his gaze around the Café and its occupants with quiet but increasing anxiety. Every so often he glanced down at the Dreamberry instead, yet the absence of anything but static would inevitably send him back to his restless examinations. It was impossible not to remember the last time the devices had been like this, the last time Somarium had...changed. There was that same feeling of foreboding, and no assurances that the others were alright. It was not as though separation was unfamiliar to any of them, but it hadn't ever ended in anything good-

The tap made him start, worried thoughts dissipating as he turned. He blinked at the stranger - and hope had barely had time to raise its head - before realising there were no doubt others in a similar position, seeking news. "Certainly."


mindhax January 29 2009, 23:09:54 UTC
Now that he was concentrating a bit more, Mao could glean from his mind that this "Allelujah" character had been through a lot, to say the least. The kind of guy that had a lot on his mind. Someone that would be easy to toy with. Might as well jump straight to the point.

"Who's Hallelujah?" he asked, his sunglasses slipping down his nose a ways to reveal his eyes. It was a rhetorical question, of course; he already knew the answer. He just wanted to see how Allelujah would react.


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