1st. Tavros Nitram

Mar 08, 2011 22:41

Who: Tavros and the entire community!
Where: Somni, second district.
Style: Either!
Status: Open. }:)

[He was confused as to where he had ended up. He sits up and rubs his eye, looking around as he did so. This wasn't anything like the Veil and it wasn't anywhere on Alternia. Perhaps he had been transferred to the human's planet? But how could that be? He was sure that they were in the same predicament as the trolls. He looks around for his four wheeled device and spots it. It was a few feet away from him with a sleeping, white fairy bull on it. It was a small fairy bull, one which Tavros knew all to well. He gasps a little, shocked because his bull companion was dead before he got here. Curious, he turns onto his stomach and starts crawling over to his wheelchair where the sleeping bull rested.]

tavros nitram, !location: somni, xerxes break

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