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ischarming March 9 2011, 05:44:29 UTC
He hadn't stopped looking for her. Not since she'd vanished. By the Angel, he'd dragged Jessamine out to look for her at one point. He was worried, damn it. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair as he walked along an area he'd already been through a dozen times.

And then he saw her.


Running forward, he fell to his knees next to her. He could see she was injured and he quickly got out his stele so he could help. "I swear to the Angel if you do this to me again, I'm forcing you to marathon Max's cartoon things."


nolessthanseven March 9 2011, 05:55:51 UTC
It was easier to force her tears back as Jace appeared at her side in a way, but harder at the same time. Isabelle let out a small gasp of relief as black eyes focused on her brother; she could barely breathe, and the urge to just turn and hug him was overwhelming, if for no other reason than to make sure he was really there, threatening her with menial, empty threats like she hadn't disappeared for only the Angel knew how long.

So she did. It was a bit of a difficult effort, but she managed it, throwing her arms around Jace's shoulders in as tight a cling as she could manage. It was everything Izzy could do to keep from crying right then; that was something better suited to when she was alone with her own thoughts. The mention of Max tightened the lump in her throat, and she couldn't help but think that his death was her fault.


ischarming March 9 2011, 06:12:31 UTC
He was about to give her a Mark when her arms were around him. Honestly, he had no idea what all the details were but that was fine. He just wrapped his arms around her in return and held her. Stupid Isabelle...making him worry like that. Jace would have thought something like he would have killed her for that but even he wasn't that tactless.

"You look like Hell warmed over. Let me help so I can be the handsome hero carrying the princess to safety without you bleeding everywhere."


nolessthanseven March 9 2011, 06:19:21 UTC
Marks could wait. They could always wait. She wasn't dying, not any more. Izzy only loosed the hug slightly, just enough to turn her head out so she could talk without being entirely muffled into Jace's shoulder. "By the Angel, Jace. I'm fine," she tried to laugh, only choking out a weak attempt. She knew there was no arguing with him, though, even if it meant her reputation as being able to walk away from anything was shaken.

She supposed it already was, what with her being taken so unawares. And honestly, was there really so much wrong with letting him take care of her every now and then?


ischarming March 9 2011, 06:28:15 UTC
"Fine. Sure. You look just fine to anyone looking at you." He glanced at her hair. "You need a comb." Dipping his arm down, he gathered her into his arms. "Up you go."

Because once he made a decision, he usually followed through with it. Whether other people wanted him to or not. In this case, that decision was that he was carrying Isabelle home. And that he would consider mocking the police for being useless later. Seriously, they hadn't done anything.


nolessthanseven March 9 2011, 06:37:58 UTC
"I need more than that," Izzy murmured, letting him scoop her up. She felt like a little girl again, enveloped in her big brother's embrace in a moment of need. Even if the moment he set her down, she would probably just lock herself in her room. She was grateful for the time being for just his presence, but she was exhausted.

When she closed her eyes, she could see the fields, the last moments she spent there in Somarium before having her life stolen from her; in direct contrast, as if her own mind was trying to deceive her, she could still hear Sebastian's voice in the distance, as if Isabelle didn't have enough weighing down on her. The girl gave a soft groan of frustration, opening her eyes to focus purely on Jace's bright, golden hair.


ischarming March 9 2011, 08:15:02 UTC
"We can steal anything you don't have from Jessamine. I'll just threaten to kill her dresses again," Jace told her as he shifted her enough so he could have a knife in his hand. It wasn't like he'd be able to really use it with her in his arms but he intended to be armed since she was injured. Because he was going to protect her.

She and Max were the only things he had here really. Just having Izzy gone had sent him into a frenzy.

Looking down at her, he gave her one of his very confident smirks that he was so good at.


nolessthanseven March 9 2011, 16:08:37 UTC
Knowing - and seeing - Jace so confident and unflustered (though she could tell that he had been not too long ago), was enough to help her calm slightly. It didn't make everything better, but it certainly helped. Isabelle honestly wasn't sure if anything could make it all better, but she couldn't dwell on that. She was in a place where Max was alive, and there was no way she was going to let anything happen to any of her family while she was around. And she was going to be for a very long time, she decided.

"That works," Izzy replied, wondering when was the right time to say that she felt like she had been gone for much longer than she was. Too much had happened in the last few days. It only took a minute amount of force to bring a small smile to her face after the prompting of his smirk.


ischarming March 10 2011, 20:46:55 UTC
"I thought it might." Sweet Angel above, Izzy didn't look good right now. He knew that he should ask what she last remembered but he really didn't want to know yet. Not when he knew all that had happened during that time even if he didn't have all of the details.

And he wasn't about to bring up Sebastian. Because that was the person who had done this from what he remembered.


nolessthanseven March 11 2011, 03:01:28 UTC
Isabelle loved her brothers for a number of reasons. The first, at that particular moment, for why she loved Jace was because he didn't ask questions she didn't want to answer. There was a time and a place for that sort of thing, and she was positive she would say something eventually. Until then, however, she was content with forgetting all about it. As if that were possible.

"House was boring without me?" She asked softly, closing her eyes briefly; she was exhausted, though whether it was just stress was unknown to her.


ischarming March 12 2011, 21:06:54 UTC
Jace glanced down at her now and then to make sure she wasn't passing out on him. He was scared to death currently even if he didn't show it. Mainly because he hadn't exactly been around to find out how bad the wound was when Izzy had received it. And then there was the fact that she'd been killed here and he didn't know what that might mean for her.

"Completely. Never leave me again."


nolessthanseven March 13 2011, 01:08:40 UTC
She couldn't say it was that bad - of course, in comparison to being beaten to death, nothing was that bad. It hadn't been as hard a blow, though Isabelle was convinced by what she now knew that Sebastian was, in fact, trying to kill her as well. He just hadn't been trying as hard.

Izzy shivered briskly at the fuzzy memories before forcing a laugh. "I'll do my best. And you'd better not leave either."


ischarming March 14 2011, 05:57:48 UTC
"And leave you guys alone without my good looks to get you by? That would just be cruel."

Of course he wasn't about to mention how badly he wanted to go home. To get out of this crazy nightmare where he couldn't have Clary. Where she was never there. That just wasn't something he discussed with people.


Unless they were Clary.


nolessthanseven March 14 2011, 23:33:17 UTC
Even if Jace did feel like suddenly bringing that up, it probably wasn't the best of times to be telling Isabelle, whose mind was otherwise occupied with a number of problems. She could still remember all the friends who had left her; when Simon left, when Alec left - both times. No matter how nice it would be to have Max with her, if it were just the pair of them, she knew she would feel vulnerable without her older brothers there to take care of her.

"You're totally right. So don't do it."


ischarming March 16 2011, 23:28:02 UTC
"I wouldn't dream of it."

Except that he might. But right now, he was telling the truth. Jace smiled at her and shifted her in his arms so that it was more like a protective embrace than carrying an injured person.


nolessthanseven March 16 2011, 23:33:20 UTC
"Are we almost home?" Not that she wasn't grateful; at this point, Isabelle was more than ready to just get some sleep. Maybe that way, she'd find out that it was just some incredibly vivid dream, and she was actually back in New York. At this point, that sounded just as good as any of the other options, if not better.


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