alice ・one

Feb 15, 2011 17:07

Who: stupidusagi and somarium
Where: Somewhere by the lake.
Style: whichever!
Status: Open!

[Upon waking up, she has the same reaction as most new arrivals to Somarium. Where the hell was she?! She's still laying down on the bank of the lake, staring at the water. Was this where Yura brought her? That was the last thing she remembered.

And the fact she was separated ( Read more... )

sephiroth, xerxes break, korea (yong soo im), allen walker, alice (pandora hearts)

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Well, since she's near the lake... furorimperator February 16 2011, 01:34:02 UTC
[A heavy splash echoes across Lake Meridian, followed by a wet silver head breaking the surface, staring across the water. Blinking water from bright green eyes, Sephiroth finally spied the culprit on the bank, yelling at the top of her lungs.

Venting a snort, he dove back beneath the water, stroking for the shore despite the water's chill. Feeling a nudge to his hip he reached out and Nessie hooked his arm over her flipper, giving him a tow towards the bank.

She flipped away when they reached the shallow water and once more Sephiroth surfaced, blowing air and smoothing back wet hair from his forehead. He began wading for the bank, scowling slightly.]

Is the noise really necessary?


SCREAM. stupidusagi February 16 2011, 01:51:35 UTC
[When she hears the voice, she'll turn back and raise an eyebrow. Was someone really giving her lip?

None the less, she'll let out her own snort but with a sneer.]

Is there a problem with that?


...mission accomplished. furorimperator February 16 2011, 02:01:53 UTC
[Despite dripping water everywhere and standing in the chill breeze in boxers, Sephiroth is unfazed by the surroundings and casually strips excess water from his long hair.

He gives the girl a dark look, a bit peeved by the interruption.]

Considering you're disturbing the neighbors, yes, there is.


gdit. stupidusagi February 16 2011, 02:10:28 UTC
Does it look like I care?

[She senses the threat you pose but she doesn't flinch one bit. She's staying in her spot, queen-status is a go.]

You have no right to tell me what to do! Do you even know who you're talking to? [The great Mistress Alice, that's who.]


I win. furorimperator February 16 2011, 02:13:07 UTC
[Sephiroth simply snorts, surreptitiously rolling his eyes. Striding for his clothes, he shrugs into the leather with nonchalant grace, not even giving her a backwards glance.]

You might when one of them takes offense and decides to remove your larynx. As for the latter, you'll no doubt learn it makes little to no difference. Hubris counts for nothing in this world.

[Yeah, he's more or less figured out she's a newb. Welcome to Somarium, little girl.]


no. stupidusagi February 16 2011, 02:18:28 UTC
[Okay, what the hell are those big words? She's not caring anymore, she'll keep shouting if she wants.]

I don't know what or who you're talking about, but I don't really care. How about you tell me what the hell this place is and make yourself useful?


Yes. furorimperator February 16 2011, 02:24:40 UTC
[Normally such wouldn't bother him, but Shiva damnit, he wasn't some lackey to be ordered about! Hence his hard scowl and the steely rasp as the Masamune clears its sheath, to be polished on a sleeve.]

I will thank you to mind that insolent tongue. And deliver your requests in a bit more appealing manner.

Else you'll be standing here alone.


-flips tables.- stupidusagi February 16 2011, 02:33:32 UTC
Are you telling me what to do?

[That is nice for her. What are manners?]

What do I get out of it? [Food?]


-stands out of the way, smug- furorimperator February 16 2011, 02:35:16 UTC
You may take it as you wish. In return, you will receive information, provided a bit of common courtesy is given.


B( stupidusagi February 16 2011, 02:38:26 UTC
[But that was asking nicely for her, okay? She's about to flip shit.]

But I thought I was asking nicely! What the hell do you want from me?!

[Then again, Sister Sharon did show her manners before. She could try using those.]


<3 furorimperator February 16 2011, 02:39:56 UTC
[Well, he's not one for repeating himself. So, the tall General continues to adjust his clothing and pull on his boots, steadfastly ignoring the fuming girl until...well, she can speak civilly.]


</3 no stupidusagi February 16 2011, 12:02:45 UTC
[She stopped. Did she really have to do this the hard way?

Fine. A huff was given before she scowled and glanced away. Crossing her arms, she quietly spoke.]

Can you tell me where I am? ...please?


Baw. furorimperator February 16 2011, 20:23:25 UTC
[Sephiroth finishes with his ablutions and stands once more, adjusting the fall of his long leather coat. That's much better, both the coat and her tone. So he nods.]

Of course. This is Somarium, a dream world quite unlike any other, I'd presume. You have been brought here for whatever purpose and will remain here until it is fulfilled. There is as of yet no known way to return to your home permanently, nor any knowledge of who or what brought us here.


stupidusagi February 17 2011, 07:20:57 UTC
Well if I find whoever the hell brought me here against my will, I'll show them my appreciation.

[Her attitude went right back to sour. Hearing that, after all.. why wouldn't she be?]


furorimperator February 17 2011, 07:24:17 UTC
[Sephiroth merely chuckles, picking up his sheathed sword and propping it over a shoulder.]

I wish you luck.

[He turns on a heel to depart, saying over a shoulder:]

I recommend you find shelter before dark. It gets quite cold out when the sun goes down.


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