Feb 05, 2011 00:35

Who: kokirihero and anyone~
Where: Espoir
Style: Surprise me ♥

Link opened his eyes to see trees. Lots of trees. And it was really cold. The trees had no leaves on them, so this couldn't be Kokiri forest. The last thing he remembered was Zelda playing the ocarina to send him home. But he was nowhere near there. As he looked down, he noticed that the ground was still a lot lower. He looked at his hands and even felt his face. He was still an adult.

"Navi?" He called, looking around for his little fairy. But she didn't come.

"Zelda!" He yelled again, but no one came. He wasn't sure if it was going to work, but there's no harm in trying.

Wait! If he was still an adult, he still had the ocarina. He could always call Epona! Link reached into his bag, pulled it out and began to play Epona's Song. Wherever he was, he knew he could always count on Epona.

Until she didn't come. She always came when he played that song. This makes no sense! Zelda was supposed to send him home, so how did he..? Well, wherever this place is, he needs to get out and find Zelda. If he can get in, he can surely get out. So now Link takes the time to explore the land a little bit.

yuffie kisaragi, maria ushiromiya, aqua, !location: espoir, lloyd irving, kirby, link

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