Who: Euphemia and Setsuna
Where: somewhere in Somni
Style: Third
Status: Closed; just enjoy the cute that's likely to come from this.
It wasn't like Euphemia to slip out in the middle of the night, especially without letting her elder sister know where she was going. Still, she had a lot on her mind, and she was in desperate need of one of her beloved walks to help clear it. Considering how peeved her sister had been after discovering she had fallen asleep at Setsuna's apartment (INNOCENTLY!)... yeah, she thought it best to not involve her sister in her needs for the moment.
And that brought her to her thoughts. She... was dead, or at least going to be dead. After witnessing the end results between Lockon and Setsuna, she perfectly understood why everyone had wanted to keep the horrifying truth away from her. Yet, despite how much she swore she was going to find out just why these terrible things happened... she was scared at the same time; scared that the truth would be more horrifying than the little information she knew...
As she walked, she felt something wet plop onto her hair. At first, she didn't think anything of it... until another drop fell, along with another... and...
The sky suddenly lit up with a brilliant crackle of lightening, and the low rumble of thunder that followed soon after was so loud she had to cover her ears. Euphie didn't get very long to wonder where that had come from so suddenly, as the skies suddenly opened up, and the few little drops in her hair suddenly became a massive downpour to rival any of the fierce storms she had witnessed in her brief time in Japan.
She screamed as another crackle of lightening struck once again, hurrying for a building or a vehicle -- anywhere that would be safe. As soon as she took a step, however, the earth beneath her suddenly trembled violently, knocking her clean off her feet. She landed hard on the sidewalk, her breath coming out in a surprised gasp.
For first time in a long time, her walks were turning out to be a bad thing...