Maia // 005

Feb 03, 2011 22:13

Who: Maia and somarium 
Where: Espoir
Style: either!
Status: open, so very open~

[With all that's been going on lately, Maia wants some fun. And what better to have fun than to play in the snow? She lives in Manhattan-- it's not as though she usually gets a chance to do so, since it all gets plowed into dirty piles when it does snow. So have Maia making a few ( Read more... )

draco malfoy, max lightwood, daisukenojo "beat" bito, !location: espoir, maia roberts

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gangstaspeak February 4 2011, 19:23:05 UTC
[Beat had been wanting to have a snowball fight like last year, but with everything that had gone on over the past few weeks there just hadn't been time to have a game of sorts. But today... today seemed like the perfect day for one. He hasn't made any yet but he plans to, eventually. Looks like he's going to be caught unaware for a little while longer.]


mistrustbeauty February 4 2011, 19:45:26 UTC
[Here's Maia peeking over the top of a snowdrift. Anyone walking alone is fair game, so she lets fly a snowball at Beat. It misses by just a bit, flying just over his shoulder]


gangstaspeak February 5 2011, 04:45:09 UTC
[As the snowball whizzes past him, Beat stops walking to look around.]

Yo, whozzat!? [He keeps an eye out the culprit but misses out on where Maia had been camping. Reaching down, he makes a snowball for himself in case they decide to strike again.]


mistrustbeauty February 5 2011, 21:35:18 UTC
[she straightens. seeing Beat with a snowball, she waves, thinking she might have found a taker]

Hey, sorry about that! Wasn't supposed to miss.


gangstaspeak February 6 2011, 00:47:08 UTC
[He turns swiftly towards the voice, smiling slightly.]

'Bout I pay ya back for it, yo?

[He throws the snowball towards Maia's direction. If she doesn't move, it should hit her where she had intending on hitting him. Right on the shoulder.]


mistrustbeauty February 7 2011, 00:27:40 UTC
[Maia doesn't respond in time and takes the snowball right on target]

Hey!! It would've been much easier if I'd just made up for the miss with a hit! Guess I still owe you that.

[laughing, she bends down and throws another snowball, slightly haphazardly]


gangstaspeak February 9 2011, 03:18:12 UTC
[Beat just smiles as soon as the snowball makes that hit. He pumps his fist in the air.] Booya! I'm ready for whatever you got.

[He watches the snowball fly towards him and steps backwards to avoid it.] But you gotta try harder than that, yo!

[Bending down, he begins packing another snowball just in case she retaliates again.]


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