A Walk about Town - Princess Tamina 01

Feb 01, 2011 19:34

Who: timesguardian & Open
Where: Espoir village
Style: Third
Status: Open

She was going slightly stir-crazy. Tamina had been secluded off into the cottage for what seemed like years and the walls were starting to close in around her. So, bundling up as much as she could, the Princess set off on a brisk stroll through the village, hoping the sunshine would help keep her warm as would the exercise.

With determined strides, she walked crisply down the first path she encountered, not really having a destination in mind but needing to work out the kinks of the past week or so. The cold air was actually a delight after the stuffy warmth of the cottage and she inhaled greedy gulps of it, feeling the chill burn in her lungs.

But her brows furrowed as she took in the damages which marred the once lovely little village. Hn, it seemed this place was more dangerous than she first realized. Shivering slightly - from a bit of fear, not cold - she tucked her shawl tighter around her shoulders and moved on, thoughts turning melancholy as she encountered more and more residents hard at work rebuilding.

princess tamina, unicorn, !location: espoir

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