Wrath 004

Jan 27, 2011 21:07

Who: Wrath, Lily, and you. : D ( Read more... )

lilly satou, wrath

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gracefulmother January 28 2011, 02:32:40 UTC
Lilly had no way of even suspecting that anything was wrong. She had heard that her boss had gotten into a conflict, but surely, it had nothing to do with the polite gentleman that had called her. She arrived promptly, carrying a try of refreshments in one arm, and using her other hand to navigate with her cane.

She wasn't sure if the set of footsteps she heard was another customer or her mysterious guest, and set her things down on a table. She seemed to be quite relaxed already, and took a seat as she waited for her acquaintance to arrive.


candidate_no_12 January 28 2011, 02:40:19 UTC
Wrath was not aware that the very alchemist who had attacked him was the boss of this woman.

As he caught her entering with a tray of refreshments, he pulled his frown into a seemingly genuine smile--he noted that she walked with a cane. Perhaps--yes, she must be blind. That should make things easy indeed.

Wrath strode up to her, bending slightly towards her sitting frame. "Pardon me, madam, but are you the lovely woman whom I had the occasion to speak with over the Dreamberry?"


gracefulmother January 28 2011, 02:51:42 UTC
Lilly's cane was long, light, and white. It was obviously used for navigation, confirming Wrath's suspicions.

She stood again when she heard Wrath's voice; so it was him after all. "Yes, and you must be the gentleman who contacted me."


candidate_no_12 January 28 2011, 03:19:18 UTC
Yes--he watched the direction the cane moved, its placement on the floor. The elderly or infirm touched the cane directly ahead of them, using it for balance. He himself--used his sword as a cane, as it was convenient. And--as vigorous as his soul was, he_did feel his age more often than not. But this woman was quite blind, as she moved the cane in various spots in front of her, using the cane to locate where she had been, where she was, and where she was headed-determining the terrain--and her hands did not tremble while advancing. She looked quite young.

"That is correct. I am quite honored to at last meet you in person. Not to mention you have picked a choice location." He gestured to the hot spring with his hand, his clothes rustling as he turned around. He then faced the blind woman again. Wrath grasped her hand in a greeting--its roughness betrayed a hint of his nature and belied his genteel words.


gracefulmother January 28 2011, 03:55:39 UTC
Lilly seemed to be in her late teens, or maybe her early 20s at most. Still, she looked rather slender and frail, though still moved quite gracefully.

"I've worked here for quite some time. It truly is a relaxing atmosphere." This man was being a bit rough, but she quickly dismissed it as just being firmer then she was used to. She shook his hand and smiled.

"Here, please take a seat."


candidate_no_12 January 28 2011, 04:16:06 UTC
He observed her construction--frail, slight. Rather elegant, for her station. .Clearly she was a servant of a sort, since she said she worked there. Yes, and youthful.

Wrath watched her reaction to his grip and realized that he had slipped up. But the blind woman must have chosen to ignore his oafish grip, and shook his hand.. No matter how rigorously he had studied humans and molded himself into a model one, he could never acclimate himself to how one properly handles a woman.

"Don't mind if I do," Wrath said pleasantly as he eased himself into the seat--it was quite comfortable.


gracefulmother January 28 2011, 04:54:37 UTC
She may have been a servant, but she's also a well educated and refined woman. If she appeared to be placed into that position, she was well trained for it, at the least.

Lilly was too used to people not knowing how to handle themselves around others, which meant that she was too trusting of any odd behaviors. He may be able to get away with much, much more.

She quickly prepared some tea without asking, moving as if she knew exactly where everything was. Before he could say anything, a full cup was set out in front of him.


candidate_no_12 January 28 2011, 13:07:48 UTC
Wrath watched every move she made, following her with his right eye. He observed the proper way that she spoke, her humility in the forward placement of her hands but her proud, upright posture. And her youth--she could not have been more than 25-towards whom he, a youthful soul in an aged body, could not help feel a suggestion of lust. He took delight in observing her--which lessened his burning urge to end her life ( ... )


gracefulmother January 29 2011, 02:53:15 UTC
Lilly seemed to be blissfully unaware of any of the thoughts going through his head. She never really cared much about other's thoughts, but mostly because she respected other people's privacy. If something was truly wrong, they would tell someone close to them, and she had no business interfering.

"Thank you." She couldn't help but smile at that remark. Back at home, it seemed to be just the opposite. She was always scolded for being too easygoing, but perhaps without her rival's loud mouth, she may be able to be seen for her merits.

Lilly stirred her tea for a few seconds before taking a drink herself. She seemed to be relaxed and content- even moreso then usual. "Oh, my name is Lilly. And you are?"


candidate_no_12 January 29 2011, 03:16:25 UTC
On how they treated privacy. quite obviously, they could not have been more opposite ( ... )


gracefulmother February 1 2011, 01:02:31 UTC
She was used to compliments, but not about her work ethic. She always seemed to be the one reminding people not to push themselves too hard.

Lilly and Satou also seemed to be from two entirely different cultures; perhaps it's a sign of harmony as well.

"Oh, it's a local blend. I was just recently exposed to it, as a matter of fact."


candidate_no_12 February 1 2011, 04:24:35 UTC
"Is that so? Where can I acquire more of it?" Wrath asks, leaning an elbow on the table and propping up his chin with a hand in a pseudo-conspiratory way--by virtue of them being both tea drinkers.)

(He still only knows her first name, so the harmony of the components o fher name is not apparent to him.)


gracefulmother February 4 2011, 18:52:37 UTC
"Oh, it's pretty easy to get at the local store." Of course, Lilly almost never shopped alone, but she was pretty knowledgeable, nonetheless. She stayed unaware of his rather feigned feelings, and smiled back as she took a sip.


candidate_no_12 February 5 2011, 00:02:52 UTC
"Ah, of course. You have been most helpful, Lily," Wrath mirrored her expression inadequately, as right now, he was perfectly content--giving either a smirk, or a twisted smile--instead of a symmetrical smile when he was being insincere. It is audible in his voice. "Do you prefer milk or lemon, and is there a shortage of either in this place?"


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