Kirby == 3rd WarpStar Trip

Jan 25, 2011 02:13

Who: Kirby and EVERYONE
Where: Somewhere in the now empty forest
Style: Either
Status: Open

Kirby tried to play the hero. Unfortunately, playing the hero in Somarium is a lot different from doing that over Dream Land. And he found that out the worst way possible.

Upon knowing about Amathea's condition, he rushed to the streets to try and help her out. He couldn't stand looking at her suffering and don't do anything to help.

Unfortunately, he soon got lost in the huge world that's Somarium and, despite trying to use the map on his Dreamberry, it didn't seem to help him much, with all the snow and ice making everything look the same.

He walked and walked... For days, probably, his stomach growling louder and louder as the time passed. But he needed to find the pretty horse. Needed to save her. She was in need and that's what heroes did, right? they helped people in need.

He did reach the forest, eventually, but when he did, he felt weak, not only due to hunger, but from exhaustion as well. As he sloppily walked through the bare forest, he couldn't even mutter the unicorn's name. Then his vision became blurrier and blurrier, until he collapsed on the ice, fainting.

And there he stood, the only thing affecting him being the shared dream.

[Help the pink marshmallow? y/n?]

chowder, !location: espoir, kirby, kaoru hitachiin

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