
Jan 20, 2011 12:44

Who: Lloyd Irving and you!
Where: Somni and Espoir. Lloyd will be everywhere.
Style: Either! I'll follow your lead.
Status: Open ( Read more... )

shizuo heiwajima, !location: somni, haseo, aqua, !location: espoir, lloyd irving, ema skye

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createsoblivion January 20 2011, 19:12:33 UTC
[Wandering around Espoir before her shift in the evening was always nice. The village was usually quiet, and in opinion very eye-appealing. Plus it was a good spot to catch any new comers in their struggle to figure out what the hell was going on.]

[But this boy in red didn't seem too lost. New perhaps, she vaguely remembered seeing a post or two from him a while back, but couldn't quite place it.]

Are you going exploring? Anything I can help you find out here?

[Friendly smiles. One thing Aqua was good at, was giving help.]


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 19:20:27 UTC
Yup! [Lloyd had no idea who this woman was, but that wasn't any surprise, considering the fact that this wasn't his world, but her friendly smile earned one in return.] Hmm... Well, I'm new here, so I don't really know where anything is. What places are important? And... [Hmm, priorities.] What about a market?


createsoblivion January 20 2011, 19:24:06 UTC
[Friendly vs friendly was always a plus. And even a little hard to come by in a lot of places. Somarium had plenty of nice people, but not everyone felt the need to be all smiles when meeting someone new.]

Well, this is Espoir Village. Residential area, mostly, and where everyone new seems to arrive. It's nice to check around sometimes, in case anyone else has shown up.

[Glancing about, getting her bearings.]

Market... There's a shopping district just North East of the Village, if that's what you mean?


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 19:43:17 UTC
I just need to know where to buy food. [Zelos had food, of course, but Lloyd wasn't sure how much he could always trust the other man to get things that were edible. Or things to drink that weren't alcoholic. Frankly, Lloyd had been unwilling to try any of the other bottled drinks Zelos had after the whole thing with the tequila.

Ugh. Tequila. Zelos was officially insane.]

So, there's a market to the northeast. That's good to know. [Something else she had said nags at him. He frowns.] People always show up here? Why's that?


createsoblivion January 20 2011, 19:48:12 UTC
[A little nod.] That's right. There are food stores, clothing, and other types of shops there.

[She pauses. It was a good question-]

I don't think anyone knows for sure, but it might be because this is the center of Somarium. All the other districts surround the middle village; it's like a landing zone, I suppose.

[She's not entirely sure herself, but that's the best theory she's heard and come up with.]


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 19:53:58 UTC
[The frown didn't leave Lloyd's face, and he put one gloved hand on his chin, thinking hard.] This is where I showed up, too, after I went through the Otherworldly Gate. If everyone else shows up here... [His expression abruptly lit up.] Maybe the reason is because the other side of the Gate is here!


createsoblivion January 20 2011, 20:27:48 UTC
[Surprise! Gate? To possibly come and go as you please could be located here, in Espoir? It made sense, at least.]

Otherwordly Gate? [That, however, she doesn't recognize.]


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 20:38:29 UTC
It's a gate between worlds. My world and Tethe'alla... only I guess that's not true, since it brought me here. [He shrugs.] I'm not really sure how it works. But if it connects two or three worlds, maybe it connects others! [Excitement starts to enter his voice as the pieces fall into place.] It's only supposed to open in Tethe'alla during the full moon, so all the other time, maybe the gate opens somewhere else!


createsoblivion January 20 2011, 20:41:15 UTC
[Hm; a gate from another world that opened into others? That sounded.. useful, actually. Easier than travelling manually, for sure.]

But .. What about the others here? Do you think it would connect to their worlds as well?

[And she really has no idea how that would help her, either. The only way to travel worlds from her universe, was via the Lanes Between. There weren't any.. gates or anything.]


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 20:52:07 UTC
Sure! It makes sense, right? Maybe all the worlds are connected and Somarium... Somarium might be in the middle!

So, where did you show up? I mean, where exactly?


createsoblivion January 20 2011, 21:30:55 UTC
[In the middle? That was an interesting take... She was fairly certain it wasn't in the middle of her worlds- but.. Perhaps another dimension?]

Me? I... Well, right over there.

[They were actually pretty close. A light motion to the ground just beyond the building they stood next to, and there you have it.]


redcladidealist January 20 2011, 21:43:40 UTC
[It wasn't the same place as where he showed up, but Lloyd nodded just the same.] I showed up somewhere over there, I think. [He pointed in the direction he'd been heading.] It was near a building that looked like a tavern. Hmm, I bet the places we show up are clues. If we just had enough of them, I'm sure we could find the Gate!


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