Who: Vorona and Whoever wants to open this present♥
Where: A street somewhere in Espoir.
Style: I'll match :>
Status: Open <33
[Today seemed just like any normal winter day (as in without the place candified), but anyone walking on a certain street by would definitely see a curious sight. It was a perfectly wrapped present about the size of a shoe box,
only round. At first anyone would think the gift must have been accidentally dropped and left behind by but once they get closer they would see that it sat too neatly on the ground. Instead it almost looked like the gift was left there on purpose, and well, it sort of was.
Vorona was stuck in it, unsure of what happened since she was still not used to the abnormalities here. All she did was attempt to open it... Now, in this kind of situation she should have no problem cutting her way out but today was not her lucky day. She had forgotten the pair of garden scissors that she always kept close to her at home.
So now she can only do what she can do...
Watch as the gift tilt to it's side...
And watch as the present rolls.]