Who: The residents of Hotel Dusk
Where: Hotel Dusk
Style: First :V
Status: Open to residents of Hotel Dusk, I suppose friends of Duskers are welcome to pop in?
[Although the great outdoors had recently become far sweeter than usual, there was still a chill of winter to be had out there. Though he had the day off from work, Akihiko Sanada still had errands to run and tasks to complete. Walking the dogs, getting some groceries, shoveling sprinkles and gumdrops out of the walkway - the stands chores he'd come to expect Somarium placing upon his shoulders.
Leaving his jacket on the couch, he moved to the kitchen to fetch a quick protein shake before starting his day. Drinking it quickly, he returned to the common room only to discover that one of the residents of the Dusk's
pets had chosen his coat as an acceptably warm spot to take a nap.
Staring down at the fat blob-critter known as Gulliver, Akihiko could do little more than frown. He poked at the obese animal's side, trying to encourage the cat(??) to move but the lump refused to budge. With a sigh, Akihiko attempted to scoop his arms beneath the animal and lift him up but the moment Akihiko's hands got underneath the creature's girth, Gulliver's little paws clutched tightly to the jacket and was not about to let his warm bed slip away so easily.
After a few more minutes of poking, prodding and even attempting to roll the thing off, Akihiko had to concede defeat. He needed assistance.]