☀ two suns.

Nov 24, 2010 01:25

Who: soloriens and you!
Where: Everywhere Shopping District.
Style: I'll be sure to match you!
Status: Open!

[If you spot the wolf, she appears to be simply sitting with her head tilted down. However, if you take a closer look you can see there's a carrot bouncing up from the ground and against her chest. ..Repeatedly. She tilts her head, confused because-- ( Read more... )

apollo, maka albarn, masaomi kida, amaterasu, korea (yong soo im), medicine seller, !location: somni, senri, alice (pandora hearts)

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soleilesque November 25 2010, 03:59:37 UTC
[Hey, not!sis. Sungod looking down curiously as always.

A disgusted look.]

You are not going to eat that, are you?


soloriens November 25 2010, 13:34:35 UTC
[Oh, 'sup not!bro. She perks her head up to him, wagging her tail. Eat that? The vegetables?

She lifts one side of her a little, a few carrots taking this as their escape. ..Oh. Maybe if she gets hungry. :|a ]


soleilesque November 26 2010, 02:02:46 UTC
[Oh, not!sis. Sometimes, he wonders about you.]

I thought wolves did not eat vegetables.


soloriens November 26 2010, 03:58:40 UTC
[Well, she never was a normal wolf. She gets up, shaking her fur before it seems the carrots are back.

..With friends. Cabbages, lettuce and one large pumpkin, appearing as menacing as vegetables can be.]


soleilesque November 26 2010, 03:59:55 UTC
[............. they're multiplying. He watches on with interest. What do?]


soloriens November 27 2010, 16:17:41 UTC
[How about strike at them with the exorcism beads circling around her neck.

Ammy is victorious!]


soleilesque November 28 2010, 03:15:53 UTC
[Exorcism Beads were super effective! Wild Vegetable faints. Ammy gained 70 exp! /o/

He just laughs.]

Why did you not just burn them all?


soloriens November 28 2010, 13:15:12 UTC
[Level up! \o\

She could if she wanted, but then they'd be burnt and the smell... She wags her tail, glancing to Apollo. Besides, the fire would be too big, she might catch something else on fire.]


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