Who: Hornet and
somariumWhere: Somewhere that's not Espoir.
Style: Firstttt I'm lazy.
Status: OPEN
[See: one (1) teenage boy dressed in far less than the weather demands (think t-shirt and sweatpants) sitting somewhere. Yeah, somewhere.
He's sulking. He's seriously sulking. He's pissed, he's angry, he's a little scared and a lot conflicted and he's not making an effort to hide it. Instead, he's taking out his frustration on tomatoes, either crushing them in his hand, or chucking them against pumpkins.
...He doesn't like pumpkins, either.
For the most part, he disregards the tomatoes attacking him, brushing them aside every now and then, or simply destroying them. At some point, he must have crushed a tomato a little too close, because there's a red blotch on his shoulder.
...Oh, and if he doesn't like pumpkins, he's about to like them a whole lot less. Cue one pumpking bouncing up from behind, making a bee-line for him. Thaaat looks like it's going to hurt.]