Draco • 021

Nov 20, 2010 17:32

Who • Draco Malfoy, little Alice, and Hermione Granger.
Where • Mille and Draco's chapel.
Style • First.
Status • Closed.

[only having prepared for Alice's arrival, being that the young girl was proving her cunning and going against his wishes, Draco sets up two cup and saucer sets on the table, standing back to surveil his handiwork. It was ( Read more... )

draco malfoy, !location: espoir, alice liddell (original), hermione granger

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ferusleana November 21 2010, 01:55:56 UTC
[Hermione had agreed to show up for tea at Alice's request but she'd be lying if she didn't say that she had various motives to coming. Everything she's heard about Malfoy seemed rather bizarre and the young witch couldn't help but want to confirm it for herself.

So dressed casually she made her way to Malfoy's home a few minutes earlier than the appointed time. She brushes off the leaves that collected from her walk over before knocking at the door already knowing that he'd be surprised to see her.]


mudbloodhater November 21 2010, 02:02:02 UTC
[he furrows his brow slightly, wondering why exactly Alice was showing up early. She'd usually ring him to let him know if she were doing so, or else simply show up precisely at the agreed upon time.

[Draco wonders for a moment if some bizarre prank is being played on him as he pads over to the door, opening it with one brow raised. The casually raised eyebrow is quickly joined by the other one, his hand tightening over the doorknob as he forces a faint smile that really looks more like a grimace.]

Granger. What brings you here?


ferusleana November 21 2010, 02:56:38 UTC
[It was no prank, just tricky little girls that brought her to Draco's doorstep.]

Alice invited me for tea.

[Even though a stranger had contacted her, Hermione had still accepted the offer. The young girl was hard not to like even after their brief conversation. Still it wasn't the only reason she was here. She tucks a stray hair behind her ear.]


mudbloodhater November 21 2010, 03:06:00 UTC
[it's virtually the same thing. He purses his lips into a tight line, no longer attempting to smile.]

Alice did, did she? I suppose a third cup is in order, then. I had no idea.

[leaving the door open for her to follow him in, he retrieves a third cup, setting it down on the table with a bit more effort than usual, and a loud thunk. Back facing her, he briefly wonders if she'll notice that the tea was something she had left ages ago from the last time she was around. Then scoffs to himself.]


ferusleana November 21 2010, 03:53:03 UTC
[Hermione was starting to think that Alice had been wrong about Malfoy being "gloomified" about her not remembering her last time here.]

She had some very interesting things to say about you.

[With the open door she took that as an invitation to follow him inside, closing the door behind herself, noting the feel of this place compared to Malfoy manor when she was there. The ungraceful thunk of the tea cup did not escape her notice either. Unfortunately for him Hermione doesn't recognize the tea.]

In fact several people had intriguing things to say to me in the last few days.


mudbloodhater November 21 2010, 07:06:43 UTC
[fortunately for Draco - and Alice, perhaps - Draco deals with 'gloomification' rather differently than some might. He peers over his shoulder at her, staring from beneath blond lashes.]

And what sort of things did they have to say?


ferusleana November 21 2010, 07:38:23 UTC
[She made herself comfortable in one of the chairs near the tea.]

That you and Harry started up Quidditch teams, were featured in a dream wearing dresses, played hide-and-seek together. It also reached me that you've been here a long time, you're from before Dumbledore's death but I was the one to tell you quite a bit of the future before I left. Not to mention the fact that you were upset that I don't remember my previous time here. [Hermione reveals none of her sources but most should be fairly easy to guess.]

Back when I first arrived you almost used my first name. How long was I here with you?


mudbloodhater November 21 2010, 07:46:08 UTC
[eyes back to the tea, he gives a brief sigh. Really, he could ignore what she said, and act like she was completely insane. It tended to work - ignorance was, apparently, bliss - with Muggles, and it may yet work for Draco Malfoy. Alternatively, he could cooperate and tell her what he knew.

[But honestly, where would that get him?]

Better part of nine months. [he shrugs, sweeping the teapot off the table to fill with now-boiling water. Anything to keep him busy and not staring. He very nearly ignored all she said before, barely even letting his brow flinch at the mention of Mille's dream.]


ferusleana November 21 2010, 08:03:34 UTC
[Not even Hermione can stop from keeping an eye on Draco - half of her still skeptical of this slight change in him and the other part curious to see any indication of it for herself. Really it shouldn't surprise her the way he bounced back and forth between his scathing sarcasm and genuine caring, especially after the last year. At least he didn't draw his wand at the subject of the dresses, which she had a hard time trying not to laugh at the imagery of it when she first heard about it.

Nine months. Despite it being a long time it's also a small comfort to her. It gave her exactly the time-frame she wanted.]

Were we friends? [Malfoy wouldn't call her by her first name unless they weren't close.]


mudbloodhater November 21 2010, 08:08:05 UTC
[he bites his tongue to keep from saying things immediately, instead forcing a smile and thoughtfully pondering the answer.]

Perhaps something along the lines. We...certainly got to know one another.

[it's probably the safest thing to say, though he knows Alice would blurt it out immediately given the chance. Because if she was so insistent on getting Hermione to the tea they were sharing, she would surely want to fill her in. But until that moment, he was going to keep that little tidbit from her. If Harry hasn't said anything thus far, it really isn't that important. Not to them, at least.]


ferusleana November 21 2010, 08:48:27 UTC
[It didn't take a genius to figure out that whatever they were wasn't exactly friends but Hermione could wait to know what it was. Although if she finds out that Harry knows and didn't tell her then she'll definitely hit him with the nearest book. So what if she'd only been here a few days with him either time, he could have at least warned her.

She sits back in the chair carefully arranging her thoughts. When she compared the time she spent with Malfoy versus Harry in this world then she would have tried to tell Harry everything she knew in those few days but unfortunately her friend sometimes had a habit of not paying attention when she talked. Not that Malfoy was a whole lot better with his so-called friends but combined with how long he'd been here it made him a better source of information.]

Do you know if I left anything behind when I went back?


mudbloodhater November 22 2010, 02:04:26 UTC
[bitterly, his thoughts flicker to the fact that she left him, but he ignores that, shrugging as he brings the steeping teapot back to the table. Draco's gaze lingers high above her as he sets it down, settling into a chair opposite comfortably, his mind elsewhere momentarily, focused on the old cottage they shared.]

Nothing I can recall. The cottage was relatively empty before I came here. Though I can't speak for your room.


ferusleana November 22 2010, 02:51:52 UTC
[Left and forgot their time together but she can't just instantly get those memories back - even if it was possible. She watches him as he's obviously thinking of something not quite in this moment. Nearly six months and it was likely that someone was living in the cottage now or had.]

Which cottage? [Hermione was looking for something in particular and she hoped it would still be there.]


mudbloodhater November 22 2010, 03:07:37 UTC
The...11th, I think? [oblivious to her watching him, he continues to linger briefly in his thoughts. Finally, he snaps free, shaking his head and looking back at her incredulously.]

Why do you even want to know? What's so damn important about it?


ferusleana November 22 2010, 03:23:15 UTC
[She'd have to find a way to sneak in then as that cottage was currently occupied. Although she could just ask politely. When he looks back she doesn't look away. If they were something along the lines of friends and he wasn't going to be an arse to her then she could share something with him.]

I heard all of the books that contained information about this world were destroyed and since I was around before that then it's likely I took notes on everything I read. Not to mention what else I could have left behind.

[Maybe something could give her a clue about her life here.]


mudbloodhater November 22 2010, 03:41:48 UTC
[his brows rise sky high at the persistence in trying to figure things out. It reminds him of the time she kept her nose in a book the entire moon cycle, despite his pestering; the thought brings an amused curve to the corners of his mouth.]

You're kidding. After everything, all you care about is that constant pursuit of knowledge, hm? Trying to find out as much as you can about this place, despite having been here for...what, barely a week?


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