Desmond Miles £ 002

Nov 07, 2010 15:47

Who: failssassin and somarium !!!
Where: The Fire in the Hole club in Somni
Style: Starts in third, but either is fine with me
Status: OPEN!!! Come drink your sorrows away!!
Warning: Desmond has a foul mouth, so language.

'Thump thump thump thump'

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night )

locke lamora, daisuke jigen, !location: somni, kara thrace, desmond miles, !location: fire in the hole

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havemyflaws November 14 2010, 20:55:22 UTC
"I wish it was a movie. Bypassed our defences and boom, from a population of fifty billion to fifty thousand, on the run, Cylons on our asses." Her hand slipped into her pocket and she ground the cigar out with more force than was strictly necessary as she clenched the bullet she carried all the time, letting the edges dig into her palm before she set her hand back on the bar again.

She took a drink then, wondering just how much she should really say. It didn't seem possible, with all that she'd learned, that there was just one Earth out there. Maybe they'd rolled a hard six and been shafted, finding that place and then piling back into their ships to keep looking. And that Earth had been the Cylon world, their Thirteenth Tribe, so many miles away, still ending up stuck in the same damn cycle.

"Madame President Roslin tried to ban abortions and get us to have babies but people get sick, people die, we settle on a planet and get invaded and more people die. Last time I was home, survivor count was below forty thousand." And she had no idea if that included her at all. Did Roslin make allowances for pilots who came back from the dead without a clue as to what they were?


failssassin November 14 2010, 22:44:02 UTC
He had no idea who or what the Cylons were, but it was easy to understand that they weren't very friendly.

"I'm really sorry to hear that." That was all he could say, really. There wasn't much one could say to another when they learned of their kind being on the brink of extinction.

Taking another sip of his beer, Desmond this time searched for a new subject to discuss. Though depressing subjects were good for business, since it made the customer drink more, he didn't want to hear more about humankind's failings. It made him drink and he really couldn't get drunk on his first week of work if he wanted to keep his job.

"That guy you work, Cid, he's building a spaceship?" Did this world had the technology for it?


havemyflaws November 15 2010, 22:09:57 UTC
The Cylons really weren't booze talk but if it came up again, she'd gladly explain that. And the whole 'oh I married a Cylon who had no idea he was a Cylon' part. That was a real kick in the Gods damned teeth.

She just nodded too because what the hell else was there to say? They didn't exactly make cards for that sort of thing. Still, the change of subject was a welcome one and she smiled and nodded.

"I think so, I'm not involved in all his projects unless he asks but he's building these...hovering motorbike things. Skyrunners," which still made her snort because Cid had to have been drunk when he made that name, "Not as fast as a Viper but it's still a rush."

And then of course there was her pet personal project safely stashed in her apartment to prevent any thievery or tampering. Her motorbike was going to be a beast when she got done with it.


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