maka; tenth

Nov 02, 2010 17:52

Who: Ace and Maka
Where: Noctaerium
When: Backdated to the event, because we fail at being timely
Style: Third
Status: Closed


The more she walked, the more she regretted her decision in coming.

Of course, Maka was never the type to simply sit back and let a promising opportunity slip by her, although as time went by she couldn’t make heads or tails of what sort of opportunity this was supposed to be. One meant to do nothing but creep you out along the way? If that’s all it was meant to be, then it was certainly doing a good job of it. At first she hadn’t minded taking the venture on her own, as Maka was determined to believe she’d be fine even if it meant going solo-and besides, she did have a form of protection on her. Nevermind she had grown a small amount of disdain for the spear given to her some time ago, because even Maka knew she couldn’t be so stupid as to disregard the thing altogether and toss away what safety she had. Either way, she had something, and that was enough for her.

But now? Uhg, she wasn’t liking this place at all. As if the shrieks and the laughter before weren’t bad enough, now it was dank and ominously quiet. Maka hadn’t liked how dark it was either, save for the occasional dim lighting that flickered about in the halls. Her steps reflected as much, too; even though she walked slowly, almost reluctant to find out what may have been ahead, each step echoed almost a little too much for her liking upon the floor.

Maka really wanted to go back home, despite the eerie new look the city itself had taken on, but the more rational part of her mind knew if she left now then it was entirely possible she would miss out on something important. Well, it wasn’t as if she was able to find an exit anyway.

Fortunately enough, Maka knew in relief, at least she had her perception ability; it was moments like this where she had to wonder how she ever managed without it before. A creepy castle like this couldn’t have been completely devoid of life (and she wasn’t thinking of anyone else who may have decided to come in, as well), right? If there was one thing for sure, nothing weird was going to be sneaking up on her this night.

After traveling for what felt like eons down what must have been the nth hallway she turned down into, there had been a door; the wooden thing looked like it had seen better days, and the creaky knob didn’t make its poor state any better, but Maka decided to open it anyway-and she was marginally more glad to see it hadn’t been yet another hall, but a decently sized room instead. Good. Maybe this time she’d actually find something worth looking for...

Even though the room was big, it was awfully barren for its size, with nothing more than a shelf, a table, and some other door across the way occupying the space. When it seemed empty otherwise, Maka stepped further into the dimly lit room and made her way over to the table, which looked to have a few papers scattered about.

Once she took one last glance around her, Maka flipped over the first page.

!moon: cycle 40 - noctaerium, maka albarn, ace, !location: noctaerium

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