Nero ☩ 004

Oct 30, 2010 16:56

Who: partlyblackened and somarium
Where: Noctaerium
Style: Starts in third, but either works
Status: Open like my heart
Notes: Angst all over the place, Nero is dressed like this, Kyrie looks like this and if anyone tries to touch her, he might just flip.

Nero was in shock, kneeled in front of a warm, sticky puddle of blood. )

!moon: cycle 40 - noctaerium, nero, lara croft, dante, battler ushiromiya, !location: noctaerium

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shootsatclowns October 31 2010, 04:09:27 UTC
Dante was definitely not enjoying the little shin-dig going in this place. While it had seemed like an interesting investigation at first, the moment things started screwing with his head, he didn't like it anymore. The Sparda family had enough issues, and he was not the biggest fan of facing them head on second after second.

As Dante shouldered open the nearest door to him, he found a rather familiar face in the room, looking completely devastated and cradling the body of an obviously dead girl. She was beautiful, even in death, but now really wasn't the time to be ogling the chick. Whoever she was, she must have been important to Nero, given the look he was sporting.

"Nero." If this was real, even he felt bad for the guy.


partlyblackened October 31 2010, 04:24:06 UTC
When Dante made himself known in the room, Nero couldn't help but growl. Not only did he not want to look any form of weak in front of the other slayer, it was purely instinct. The man has pissed him off on countless occasions, occasions that he didn't even remember, so he wasn't exactly expecting sympathy. Not like he even wanted it anyway, his stubbornness could be blamed for that.

"What...?" he replied absently, still focused on cradling the body of his dead lover. He stifled the sobs that were about to follow his inquiry awkwardly, passing it off as a sudden yet irregular deep breath.

He tightened his hold to an almost bruising degree, somewhat possessively. He buried his face deeper into her hair, almost as if he were hiding. He didn't want anyone to see him like this, so utterly devastated, especially not Dante.


shootsatclowns October 31 2010, 04:32:06 UTC
If anyone understood Nero's feelings right now, it would be Dante. Not wanting to shed tears and look weak, but also feeling like your soul was ready to tear itself from your body with the grief. He sighed, walking a little closer and crouching down. He didn't make the mistake of reaching out or touching either of them, he wanted his limbs where they were. Even he couldn't be an ass at a time like this.

Asking if he was okay would be completely stupid, and he doubted Nero wanted to recount what exactly happened. He cleared his throat, and looked away.

"You know... even a devil may cry... if he loses someone he cares about." Wow, he was quoting Lady. It really was a rare moment of sensitivity.


partlyblackened October 31 2010, 04:53:09 UTC
His breath hitched, caught in his throat in general, authentic surprise. His eyes widened as he absorbed the meaning behind those words and when he finally understood, he clenched them shut tighter than before. A few small, clear tears made their way passed his eyelashes and cascaded down his cheeks silently.

"Since when did you start handing out advice?" he whispered against her hair, pulling back to get a better look at her still beautiful face. She looked peaceful, even in death. He continued to stroke her cheek with his human hand, brushing his fingers tenderly through her brown lochs.

Good advice, for that matter. He couldn't bring himself to look at his brother in arms, his words having given him a revelation of sorts. He knew of the tears streaming down his face, and yet he didn't want to admit that the reason he could freely display that emotion was because he held some trust in the other man. Maybe Dante wasn't so bad after all.


shootsatclowns October 31 2010, 05:04:08 UTC
"I know what it feels like." He stated that simply, matter of factly. If Nero wanted to know, maybe Dante might share, maybe he wouldn't. He might even get to see first hand what Dante meant, if he could see Dante's nightmares. But since he understood that crying was a blow to any man's pride under any circumstance, he continued to look away.

After a moment he stood, circling around Nero and placing a hand very, very lightly on the other boy's shoulder. "I'll find what did this." He didn't know if this girl was just another illusion or not, but if she wasn't something had to pay.

Dante didn't like innocent people dying on his watch.


partlyblackened October 31 2010, 05:31:45 UTC
"I didn't even know she was here, Dante," he all but whimpered, moving in to rest his forehead against hers. It was the truth, and a clear indication that this couldn't be real. He was to numb to understand that though. The one thing he understood right now was that he had failed, and that whatever did this had to die.

When the man stood and placed his hand on his shoulder, something inside of him snapped. A carnal, almost primitive desire to kill something awoke. Normally, he would've understood that blindly seeking revenge had consequences, but at this stage that moral standard flew right out the window.

"No, this is my fight," he seethed as he ground his teeth together. "Whatever did this will die by my hand." His eyes tinted red slightly, and his body quivered as blue sparks of energy danced over his body. He was clearly losing control here, and if anyone were capable of realizing the danger behind that, Dante was.


shootsatclowns October 31 2010, 05:43:32 UTC
The fact that she hadn't even made a peep in Somarium before showing up here was a clear indicator that Kyrie was part of a nightmare. Dante was coming to that conclusion slowly, now thinking back on the fact that he'd recently watched his mother's slaughter. And Eva definitely not here, there was no way she could be. He was about to say something to try to ease Nero's guilt when the other started to lose it.

Dante's own senses went on high alert, his hair standing on end at the energy Nero was giving off. It was creepily familiar, almost to the point that Dante forgot who he was talking to for a second. Nero was pissed, Dante knew that, understood that, but going postal in this place wasn't going to help.

"Nero. Calm down," Dante snapped, turning around with a swish of his currently blue coat. "There are other people here. Regular, innocent people. If you go nuts, you could really hurt somebody, and I won't be the one cleaning up your mess."


partlyblackened November 1 2010, 05:39:57 UTC
He simply stayed where he was, breathing harshly, body still brimming with demonic energy. He couldn't bring himself to attack Dante, and he knew very damn well that attacking an innocent was out of the question. He wanted his revenge, sure, but even with his numbed over brain and poor attempts at coherent thought processing he was able to recognize that. That was one moral standard that wasn't going anywhere anytime soon ( ... )


shootsatclowns November 1 2010, 15:19:04 UTC
Even Dante was on edge now, and though he knew Nero wasn't bent on hurting any humans, the comment had come out without much thought. Nero could bash in demon heads until the cows came home for all Dante cared, and from the looks of things, he wasn't going to simply rush off in a rage. Of course, Dante couldn't help but find Nero's Trigger kind of interesting, and nothing was going to stop him from at least following the guy. Besides, Dante needed his own time to vent.

"I have no plans to," he answered. Though he did turn and face the same direction as his companion, giving one last look to the girl as he did so. He even closed his eyes briefly for a moment of respect, because he was such a good guy like that.

"Lead the way."


partlyblackened November 1 2010, 23:46:56 UTC
His shoulders were hunched as he walked through the halls, body rigged and prepared to attack anything were it to leap out at him. He was on edge too, and he was hoping that the incline of power that was practically radiating out of his body would attract the strange creatures and possibly the assailant responsible for Kyrie's death.

Luckily for him, he didn't have to look long before three tall, black creatures made their appearance. They snarled and shifted impatiently where they stood. They looked nothing like the demons from back home, so they must have been indigenous to Somarium. They leapt at him in attack, bent on ripping their new target to shreds.

They barely made it close enough though before Nero swung Rebellion in an upward arc, hitting all three away from him with ease. They skittered away, sliding across the floor a fair distance before stopping. As they recovered, they noticed Dante in the doorway and growled at him, pinning him as a target as well.


shootsatclowns November 2 2010, 00:36:39 UTC
"Oh please," Dante muttered as the monsters turned on him, unsheathing the Yamato as they crept closer. "These things have ADD." He wasn't normally one to fight with a partner, but he'd reconsider just this once. Without his guns, he'd only be able to rely on sword work, but that should be enough to take these little puppies down.

Wielding his brother's sword was a little different from the Rebellion, but that didn't stop him from cutting off one of the creature's arms when it decided to leap at him. The thing fell to the ground with a snarl, as the other two tried to decide who they wanted to tangle with next.

With a swift slice, the one that had lost its arm previously then lost its head. "One down."


partlyblackened November 2 2010, 00:57:03 UTC
"I thought I told you to stay out of this," he quipped as he watched Dante cleave the arm off of the creature as it rushed him. He wasn't one to fight with a partner either, the lone wolf approach was something he followed through with more frequently. He could only sigh with irritation as the first kill went to the other. "Fine, I'll let that one slide."

He focused his attention on the remaining two enemies before him, indecisively looking between the two hunters. He shook his head and sent several spectral blades at the one that dared to take a step toward him with a flick of his wrist. The blades homed in on it and cleaved through it mercilessly. The thing fell to the ground in a useless heap.

"Be gone," he said as it fell, a small smirk on his lips. He pointed the Rebellion at the one left standing, almost inviting it to come and try him.


shootsatclowns November 2 2010, 02:12:06 UTC
"Sorry, man. I'm not a bench warmer," he answered, waving his hand like he really couldn't give a fuck. Honestly though, he was going to let Nero take out most of the creatures they ran across, if only to let the guy blow off a necessary amount of steam. But Nero's next move stopped Dante cold.

If the spectral blades weren't enough, what he said as they pierced their target and scored a kill gave the other devil hunter pause. This was too eerie... first the Yamato, now the really creepy resemblance to his brother's attacks. Who was Nero, really? As much as it niggled at Dante's brain, he brushed it off for now. This wasn't the time for that.

"Last one's yours."


partlyblackened November 2 2010, 02:50:45 UTC
"How generous," he said with a short, bitter laugh. He stepped toward the creature, and to his surprise it took a step back. The smirk on his lips only grew in size as he narrowed his red tinted eyes at it. Another step forward, another step back. Nero had no room for remorse right now, and this thing didn't deserve it anyway.

He paused, tilting Rebellion in his hand before dashing toward the thing. He pulled back and jammed the blade into it, pulled back and jammed again. Again and again and again, copying Dante's stinger move with precise detail. It shrieked as it was shredded and as it fell to the ground, he could only laugh a somewhat eerie laugh.

He threw his head back and closed his eyes as he calmed his breathing, basking in the glory of his final kill. It was beyond satisfying, the fact that he may have exacted revenge. He slashed Rebellion through the air roughly, flicking the blood off of the blade before de-triggering.


shootsatclowns November 2 2010, 03:14:28 UTC
Okay, seriously... that was just creepy. Dante was no stranger to having fun while shooting and riding his enemies like skateboards, but the pure pleasure that Nero seemed to be deriving from slaughtering these creatures was even a bit much for him. It didn't help that the kid was replicating his Stinger move like it was completely his own. Once the creature was dead, Dante might even say he felt a little bad for it.

As Nero de-triggered, Dante couldn't help but breathe a small inward sigh of relief. Maybe he was finished now. Maybe he felt a little better about the girl after this. "Come on... let's go."

He walked past Nero now, further down the hall towards a set of double doors that he pushed open. As soon as he looked inside though, his face paled, and he stepped back. "Let's go another way."


partlyblackened November 2 2010, 03:35:23 UTC
"Fine, we'll have it your way," Nero shrugged a little as Dante walked by him. Was he still pissed? Hell yes. Did he still believe that his girl was dead in the room behind him? Yes, he did. He had to get out of this damned place regardless though, when the exit made itself known he'd go back for the body anyway.

As they walked through the halls, he stopped, hesitantly at first, to open the doors he passed to see if they would yield and exit or at least a clue. So when Dante opened the double doors and then quickly shut it, it didn't occur to him that what may be inside was something akin to what he found with Kyrie.

"Sorry, you're not calling all the shots here," he responded, pushing by him to peak through the slightly opened doors. What he found on the inside was grisly, the body of a dead blonde woman, killed in what looked like a similar way that Kyrie had been. He looked away, eyes trained on the floor and released a breath he didn't remember holding.

Who was that?


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