Chii | 08 | Haunted castle

Oct 27, 2010 23:24

Who: Chii and everyone else lost in the castle
Where: Noctaerium
Style: Either (first goes faster though)
Status: Open!!! Feel free to walk through one of the doors into Chii’s room.

Chii slowly opened her eyes. The last thing she remembered was entering a castle and then suddenly falling through the floor beneath her. It hadn’t been a very pleasant fall at all and the images Chii had witnessed during it were things she’d rather not have to see again. Something else was wrong though...other than the whole falling through the floor thing and not knowing where she was. Boris. Where was Boris? He had been with her when they had been riding the train but now he didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. Chii sat up from the couch she had landed on. She looked down and realized that she was still wearing her White Mage robe and had a magical staff with her too. Staff in hand, Chii finally lifted herself off the couch and looked around. The room she was currently in seemed normal enough at a glance. In the center stood a small table surround by a few chairs. Above the couch Chii had been sitting on was a window and on the opposite wall stood two doors. Chii glanced back and forth between the two doors. Which one to choose? Being the persocom that she was, Chii continued to look between the two doors, conflicted on which one to choose.

!moon: cycle 40 - noctaerium, alphonse elric, chii, !location: noctaerium

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