Ichiru § 1

Jan 13, 2009 21:50

Who: Ichiru Kiryuu and anyone

Where: Espoir
Style: 3rd person
Status: Open

He was feeling quite cold and didn’t understand why. Ichiru had been quite warm only a few moments ago but now he could almost feel himself lying in something very cold and wet. But that of course is impossible, he thought. He knew he was quite safe in bed and resisted the urge to lose any sleep by opening his eyes. A sudden movement near him though, brought him to his feet.

Looking dishevelled and half covered in snow, Ichiru stared surprised at the sight before him. Gone were the stone walls of the Academy’s dormitories and instead were small houses in what looked to be a village. And I seem to be here instead of in bed…

Also there was a scarecrow in the middle of the village on the street. Staring at the scarecrow in awe, he slowly moved closer, still worried that whatever had moved was still in the area. It was odd to find a scarecrow in the middle of the streets and he was merely trying to make sure that it was real. Blinking as a snow flake hit his face, he opened his eyes again to realize that the scarecrow was no longer there. But that…I was sure it was…He trailed off as it hit him. I must be dreaming still...

He had to be dreaming, especially if that scarecrow had really just disappeared like that. He knew that scarecrows didn’t move…but if it is a dream, where is Shizuka? She tended to appear in most of his dreams and without her appearance, it was making him nervous. Looking around the area again, Ichiru called out tentatively, hoping to find that Shizuka was just hiding somewhere. “Hello…?” When there was no response, his face fell.

The snow had now melted on his clothes and his hair was very tousled. Feeling the dampness of his clothes, he looked down at them and realized that he was wearing the Academy uniform, which was not what he had gone to bed in. Feeling very cold, lost and somewhat afraid, Ichiru realized that this was not like a dream at all and that he seemed to be here in person.

zero kiryuu, !location: espoir, yuuki kuran/cross, ichiru kiryuu

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