Taiga | 08

Oct 15, 2010 14:11

Who: Taiga and Takuma
Where: Cottage 20, Espoir
Style: Either (will start in Third)
Status: Closed?

Taiga had finished responding to the last voice message left on her dreamberry before she started to head towards Espoir from Somni.

It was a long walk for her, but she figured that it would be worth it for a nice meal, since well she was really hungry. Plus, she would get to see him again.

She tried not to blush at that though, because they still barely knew each other, but he was so nice to her the last time they spoke before the voice message.

Eventually, Taiga arrives at the door of cottage 20 and knocks on it gently.

"Hello?", she speaks softly, "It is me, Taiga."

!location: espoir, taiga aisaka, takuma ichijou

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