Prince Dastan ◊ 015

Oct 09, 2010 17:12

Who: hides_thedagger and somarium and
Where: Field in Espoir
Style: Starts in third, but either is fine with me
Status: OPEN Come and spar with Dastan! Or admire his style! Or ask him for directions! and get lost in the process!XD

It was early morning when the Prince had found his way to one of the fields of Espoir. Though the scarecrows weren’t offering the hardest oppositions when it came to fighting, he had taken the habit of training against them in the morning. He was sure his skills were moving forward, but at least he wasn’t getting rusty. He hoped never to use them in this world, but one never knew and since he had arrived, there were so many he’d come to care about and knew he would protect them with his life, if he had to. His brother’s fight with Abel had been a terrible reminder of that, as well as his latest dream.

Blades out, armor on and smiling like a child at Christmas, Dastan fought a few scarecrows at the same time. While his strokes lacked the refinement of a defined fighting style, it was easy to pick up that each blows were meant to kill and that the Prince’s blades had surely found their marks in the past. He might not be the most elegant warrior, but it was clear that he was a formidable opponent in his homeworld.

saki mikajima, prince dastan, edward elric, !location: espoir, judith, naomi hunter

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