Terra \001/

Oct 04, 2010 12:09

Who: Terra and somarium
Where: Espoir
Style: Either one is fine!
Status: *OPEN*

[Terra is currently walking one of the paths of Espoir, looking around at just about everything as he tries to ascertain just exactly where he is. Because this definitely wasn't the world he was meaning to go to, and his keyblade was currently failing him as transportation. Which is probably why he looks just a little agitated.

Somewhere along the way, he stops and folds his arms, eyes on the ground.]

I should probably try talking to one of the residents of this world. At least it'll give me an idea where I am. [With that goal in mind, he's starts looking for a person to speak to. Feel free to approach him too, he does look rather confused.]

anthy himemiya, zack fair, terra (kh), !location: espoir, a.b.a., roxas

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