Nero ☩ 001

Oct 03, 2010 20:57

Who: partlyblackened and somarium
Where: Espoir
Style: Whichever!
Status: Oh so open!

[A white haired teen in a long, blue denim jacket can be seen walking around the area. He has a light scowl on his face, brows knitted in obvious confusion and a cocked and ready to fire double barrelled pistol clutched tightly in his left hand, finger held loosely on the trigger.

Despite the facial expression, he carries himself with a calm and confident demeanour. He seems very sure of himself, his body language practically screams it. If the fact that he was carrying a loaded weapon around wasn't a clear indication, then his smugness should give away his newbie status. He clearly has no idea what he's gotten mixed up in, not that he would worry even if he did though.

After a few more steps, he shakes his head, scowl disappearing. He sighs deeply, almost irritably, as he bends to pick up a coloured leaf from the ground with his right hand. He lifts it for inspection, twirling the dead piece of foliage between his claws, eyeing it almost suspiciously.]

What the hell is this place...?

[Yes, he is talking to himself and, inadvertently, the leaf as well. He gives off an air of cockiness, sure, but that doesn't mean he isn't allowed to question his damn situation.]

isabelle lightwood, max lightwood, tifa lockhart, nero, !location: espoir, travis touchdown

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