Danny -- 40

Sep 20, 2010 21:12

Who: Danny and Frank.
Where: The Church of Roses.
Style: Either!
Status: Closed.

Danny awakens all at once, eyes snapping open to the dark wall beside his bed. His heart is still pounding from the nightmare, and he pushes himself upright as sharply as though thrusting the dream itself away.

The change from captivity in sweaty, confining sheets to cold air clears the cobwebs enough that he slows, staring unseeing ahead. His nightmare--what was it about? Dim, vague recollections of confinement and menacing laughter and enemies on all sides are all he can gather from it. After a couple more seconds, he decides he doesn't really care enough to think about it more. He can already guess.

Not even tempted to lie back down--he doesn't want to go back to any nightmares--Danny swings his legs over the bed's edge, glancing around. He abruptly freezes when he sees a human form curled in the room's opposite corner, making no use of the makeshift cot's comfort. It takes Danny a moment or two to remember the who and why: it's Frank. He's sleeping over, again, like he has for at least a week, by now.

Danny stares a little longer, deciding that it's unbelievably creepy the way Frank's face is directed towards him right now, almost as though he's watching him from the shadows. But that's not possible. Danny hasn't made any serious noise, and he doesn't see any movement. Frank must be asleep.

Moving more quietly than before, Danny climbs off his bed, tiptoing towards the door. Frank can just keep sleeping. Danny needs some air.

frank jaeger, !location: peorth's church, danny fenton

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