Who: Naminé (
false_charm), Jean (
Where: Espoir, Cottage 24
Style: First
Status: Semi-Open
[Having been kindly invited to his home, Naminé decided to pay Mr.Fauchelevent a visit. She enjoyed the nice, refreshing walk to Cottage twenty-four, but as she approached, her shyness kicked in. She approached the door slowly, hesitating as she raised her hand to knock. What if he was just saying she was welcome, but didn't really mean it? Would he really mind her just showing up like this? Self doubt clouded her mind, but she shook her head, pushing those thoughts aside.
Why would he welcome her, but not mean it? He was a kind man, and she really hoped he would be as kind in person as he was over the Dreamberry.
Finally, she got the nerve to knock, stepping back and waiting for a response.]