Light -- One

Aug 08, 2010 10:58

Who: Light Yagami and YOU.
Where: Espoir, field.
Style: Either!
Status: Open!

The last thing he remembered was the looming figure of that bastard, L, hovering over him as he suffered a painful and pathetic death. The very thought of that image caused rage to boil in the pit of his stomach, threatening to bubble up into his throat and escape in a string of furious curses. He exhaled heavily, attempting to push those thoughts away. That was the absolute last thing that he wanted to think about right now… after what had just-…

The young man’s eyes shot open, and he gasped audibly. He hadn’t expected to be able to think in the afterlife… or, in the lack thereof. When Ryuk had said “nothingness”, he had expected something with far less substance. However, all around him was a scene of nature; sprawling fields with scattered scarecrows, a beautiful mid-morning sky… and even a floating castle. His mouth fell open slightly as he stared up at it in awe, half admiring the impossibility of such a thing, and half thinking that a place like that would make a suitable home for the god, Kira. Eventually, once he had completely taken in his surroundings, he slowly closed his mouth again.

“… How interesting. I never imagined I’d be sent somewhere this beautiful,” he chuckled, pulling himself into a sitting position. He half-glanced at his wrist, which was no longer covered in blood, and then down at his body as a whole. Of course, there would be no remnants of gunshots now, and the heart attack wouldn’t leave any physical traces, anyway. He remembered all too vividly those last moments… he knew that his partner in crime had stolen away his life. Ryuk had warned him of this from the very beginning. If that hadn’t happened… what could he do? Everyone knew his true identity, and he had been thoroughly concerned.

Fools. So, now where was he?

“Funny,” he said, though it wasn’t really humorous, “I should have know that that damned Shinigami would have lied about this. ‘Nothing’ really is a vague concept, after all.”

He may not be in Heaven or Hell, but this ‘nothing’ was far from terrible. All the times he had imagined himself after death, it had been in a thoughtless, empty space, completely devoid of anything. But, he was acting consciously here.

He slowly got to his feet, glancing around, and a relaxed smile rose to his face. There was something comforting about this place… as if something was telling him that it wasn’t over, that he could still create his better world. It was odd and unexplainable, since he knew for sure that he had been killed, but reasoning and logic could not make this feeling go away.

Again he looked down at his watch, observing the beloved thing as it tick, tick, tocked away, and then he turned his head skyward.

“Even here,” he began, closing his eyes, letting the gentle breeze brush his face, “I can change the world. Wherever this place is. If I’ve truly been given a second chance, then all the gods must be in favor of Kira.”

He brought his arms up, slowly, fingers outstretched. Yes, this was his rebirth. Even death could not stop a deity, especially not one as powerful, resolute, and accomplished as he. Light’s small smile grew to a thrilled sort of grin, and he laughed briefly, taking in the entirety of the situation he had been blessed with now. He had laughed shortly before admitting to his title, before accepting the long-sought truth that yes, he was who he was.

“I am Kira… the God of the new world,” he said again, breathlessly, to the skies. “I will not accept defeat. Just you wait, Near… L… this is far from over.”

Near and Mello, together, had thought that they had defeated him. They were wrong. Here he was, alive and well, ready to jump headlong back into his destiny. There was nothing that they, or their idiot predecessor, could do about it.

And so God laughed again.

miles edgeworth, lelouch vi britannia, asami iwasawa, vincent nightray, xerxes break, light yagami, c.c.

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