Chill 01

Aug 02, 2010 21:25

Who: Cirno and YOU
Where: Espoir's fountain
Style: third or first; either one
Status: open

It had been such a long day for Cirno. She had to track down Deidrabochi, fight off people who were picking fights for little to no reason, and help some dollmaker test out her new toy. Most people would complain that everything they did was fruitless; but not Cirno. After all, if she could beat all of those people, then she must be too strong to rely on some stupid giant youkai!

Cirno had gotten home late, but it hardly mattered to her. After all, she didn't have any kind of place she ever needed to be, so it just meant that tomorrow's adventures would start a little later. She collapsed on the surface of a beautiful lake, and closed her eyes while the water around her already started to freeze.

The next morning, she woke up as usual, but something seemed different... Since when was her lake a fountain in the middle of some town she didn't recognize?

"Okay, very funny guys, now where am I?" If one of her fellow fairies did this, then they'd still be around to watch her reaction, so this was the first thing Cirno though of. Honestly though, it seemed pretty stupid, even for a fairy prank. Besides, most fairies knew that messing with Cirno was generally a bad idea.

But really, who could pull that prank successfully? Cirno was too cold to the touch to even think about picking up, so it couldn't be a normal human. She had to find this person, and then make them take her home right away! This was really too creepy to be funny.

rena ryuugu, !location: espoir, polka, minato arisato

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