who: Merryweather Hargreaves and YOU! where: Espoir plaza, oh yes. style: First or third, I don't mind either. status: OPEN like Touga's shirt on a windy day
[ Well, someone snuck out of the house obviously
( Read more... )
I-I always assumed that being here would mean that I wouldn't be able to die from my illness.. but.. if it is otherwise... I will just have to try living my life to the fullest.
[ She flips the cards over then pushes them to one side. ]
Don't let the reading get you down. I'm sure . . . I'm sure everything will turn out well! After all, I did say you're the type of person who's optimistic and full of energy, right?
[ There are times when her readings are wrong but those are rare times indeed. Still, it wouldn't help for some optimism in this case. ]
Fortune? Could you tell me mine?
All right then! [ Shuffles cards. ] Anything you want to ask?
[she thinks for a minute]
I am not sure, I guess I want to know what my future is.
You seem to have good fortune. See, you have Two of Cups which means that you must have a lot of friends and you easily associate with people.
[ Nods. The Fool. ] Optimistic and full of energy and-- [ She stops and gasps suddenly. ]
[Polka seems a little disturbed by the sudden gasp]
Is something.. wrong?
Do you have an illness? Are you sick in any way?
[she now figured what the girl was getting at]
Does that mean I can still .. die here?
Still die? What do you mean? Are you not able to . . . die in this place?
[she looked a bit afraid]
Don't let the reading get you down. I'm sure . . . I'm sure everything will turn out well! After all, I did say you're the type of person who's optimistic and full of energy, right?
[ There are times when her readings are wrong but those are rare times indeed. Still, it wouldn't help for some optimism in this case. ]
[she seems more relaxed now]
I think you'll do just fine.
[she bows her head thankfully]
[she smiles]
I feel a bit more cheered up
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