Youji † 005

Jul 06, 2010 03:20

Who: Youji Kudou and Ran/Aya Fujimiya
Where: Nectar.
Style: Erin's choice. ♥
Status: Looking like closed.
Note: Continuing from this call.

A moment to stare at the Dreamberry--never mind that he'd hung up on Ran more than once, having Ran hang up on him just threw Youji off. Hadn't much enjoyed their most recent one-on-ones, but the honest truth ( Read more... )

youji kudou, !location: nectar, !location: somni, aya fujimiya (ran)

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redabyssinian July 6 2010, 10:40:17 UTC
Ran walked the streets until he arrived at the shop. He knew that the conversation had been filtered but sometimes things just didn't always get across like that. But, that really wasn't the real reason why he was here.

Youji was having trouble keeping it together. He wanted to see him in person. Even if he could do nothing, just coming here could mean more than not coming at all. He knew that.

He didn't linger outside since Youji would be able to see him. Upon entering, he didn't look at all as tired and drained as he actually felt. He'd buried that deep down, having no time for it. Politely, he nodded to Youji before looking around the shop.

It wouldn't be the same without Omi but they would manage.


slantedcross July 6 2010, 11:04:22 UTC
That Ran looked so kept-together didn't surprise Youji. Youji was self-aware enough to know that he and Ken had been forcing Ran to be the one who kept things together for quite a long time by this point. Ran had gotten good enough at keeping himself under control that, as well as Youji knew him, he could only guess at what Aya was feeling. He would miss Omi, yes, but beyond that, Youji was at a bit of a loss ( ... )


redabyssinian July 6 2010, 19:28:18 UTC
Finally, those violet eyes slid across the room to finally settle on Youji. He studied him for a moment. Words weren't his strong suit but he'd used them already. Enough so that Youji had made a joke about it. Ran could hardly blame him for that. He'd always been a man of action. Someone who did things rather than talk about them.

It was what he was comfortable with.

But, he chose to speak again this time. Unlike before though, it was just a simple question he asked. Nothing to do with making Youji think about how he would handle his future.

"How are you doing?"


slantedcross July 9 2010, 07:29:19 UTC
Excellent question. Youji had to think about it. Honest truth ( ... )


redabyssinian July 9 2010, 07:40:42 UTC
"No." It was a simple and straightforward answer. Because the reality was that Ran didn't think Omi would. The Omi they once knew would be gone for good. In this case, it was unavoidable. Part of him wanted to hope that he would go home and remember everything here and that would change things.

He'd stopped having hopes like that a long time ago.

Going over, he sat down on one of the stools that the shop had while he leaned his elbows on the counter. The invitation wasn't spoken but it was obvious after he glanced at another. He wanted Youji to come sit with him. They didn't have to stand while they had this conversation.

He wasn't going to sugarcoat any of this. Much like his simple answer to Youji's question.

As far as he was concerned, Youji deserved better than to have things sugarcoated.


slantedcross July 10 2010, 10:26:24 UTC
"I knew as much," Youji said, voice lilting a bit with the laugh he was trying to suppress. "Our memories would be different otherwise, wouldn't they? Unless he remembered, and chose that path in spite of it all."

That thought was enough to give Youji pause. If Omi had heard Sena tell him to his face how Mamoru was responsible for both his death and Kyo's, and then done it anyway...

He didn't want to sit. He wanted to pace, be able to walk towards and away from Ran as the appropriate theatrics suited him--and if not, he didn't want to sit without a stiff drink. But Ran didn't have to come check on him, didn't have to put off his own grief to come and make sure Youji wasn't slipping.

So Youji sat. Desperately wanted the drink, but he sat. And sighed.

"Well, Sena likely won't miss him, at least."


redabyssinian July 12 2010, 18:50:17 UTC
"Sena never knew him the way we did." Whether that was good or bad, Ran hadn't decided. Even while Omi was here, he'd noticed that Sena and Omi rarely spoke. Possibly because of the future that Sena knew about. His death. Whatever the reason, it seemed they were not destined to communicate like that and get to know each other.

Oddly enough, that was fine.

Ran glanced over at Youji. Knowing him the way he did, he probably wanted something to drink. He might actually join him in that later. Just one drink and that way his friend wouldn't drink alone.


slantedcross July 17 2010, 06:22:29 UTC
"Likely it's best that way. Bad enough to have someone get you killed, it'd be probably worse to have it be someone you liked."

Whether it was good or bad, Youji didn't exactly care.

He leaned over, chin in palm and elbow on counter. Pressed on the bridge of his nose.

"How's Aya-chan holding up?"


redabyssinian July 17 2010, 06:34:02 UTC
"As well as anyone can imagine. This is hard on her."

Ran sighed and studied the counter for a moment or so then glanced over at Youji. Just to study him then look away.

"I think I need a drink."

Really he didn't. He was saying it more for Youji's sake since he was sure his friend did. Since that was the case, drinking together would be appropriate. Better than doing so alone anyways.


slantedcross July 17 2010, 07:02:13 UTC
Youji lifted an eyebrow at Ran.

"I might have something or other floating around," he said slowly. "Nothing too heavy, though, I'm not sending you back to an upset girl if you're falling-down drunk. You don't have my experience."

'With drunkenness or girls' is the subtext there, if Ran chooses to read it. Youji doesn't really care if he does, but it opens up gates for possible teasing. Complete seriousness isn't his strong suit; he can do it for Asuka and little else.

"This is the sort of thing that needs a stiff drink--although." He smiles wryly. "I don't think I'll be drinking to forget this time. You?"


redabyssinian July 17 2010, 07:17:30 UTC
"I wouldn't let you drink enough for that."

Ran pushed some of his hair from his face with a little smile. He was ignoring the first part of that intentionally. He wouldn't fall down drunk and he had enough experience. his own way.

"And I'll only have one of whatever we have."

He really didn't need any more than that.


slantedcross July 17 2010, 07:39:25 UTC
"You let me do things now, do you, Aya?" Youji shook his head. "Are we staying here, or heading out?"

He preferred here. He had a few choice wines and some beer in his apartment, and a small stash in the stockroom, too. Nothing that would compromise his abilities on the job, just a quick pick me up on his lunch break if he needed it.

He assumed Aya would, too.

"You're no fun, Aya. Have two."


redabyssinian July 17 2010, 07:52:57 UTC
"There's alcohol here," he pointed out while he ignored the comment on him having two.

"A small stash in the stockroom."

Yes, he'd noticed it and no he hadn't moved it. Or mentioned it. Or done anything about it. It wasn't slowing Youji down or compromising anything so he'd just left it there.


slantedcross July 17 2010, 08:10:56 UTC
"Which begs the question--why haven't you gone to get it yet?"

Youji smiles innocently. Since Aya brought it up, he doesn't have to claim it. Not that it isn't obvious, but there you go. Getting Aya to drink with him was an accomplishment, all things considered. Especially given how Aya found him after his last major drugs-and-alcohol jaunt.

"You know which wine I like best, right? There should be a bottle of it there, with enough left for us to have one each. I'll just take that now, then top it off with a Scotch when I get home."

Hmm, March third. July fourth. Interesting coincidence, right?


redabyssinian July 17 2010, 08:21:46 UTC
"Because some optimistic part of me was hoping for the miracle of you getting it."

Getting up, Aya went to where he knew the wine was hidden. Yes, he knew what kind of wine Youji liked best. He'd made sure to get him that bottle before. Grabbing it and a couple glasses that they usually used for drinking water, he brought them back to where they were sitting and set them down.

He made no comment on Youji having Scotch later. Not because he didn't want him drinking it but because he personally couldn't stand the taste of it.


slantedcross July 17 2010, 09:05:17 UTC
"There's a difference between 'optimistic' and 'ridiculous," Youji said lightly. He didn't bother hiding the smug smile when Ran set down the very same bottle of wine he'd left on the doorstep for Youji's birthday. Wasn't planning to comment on it, but it was funny, the way things came full circle.

Youji poured for the both of them, and raised his glass.

"To Mamoru Takatori," he said, tone distasteful but not bitter. Not holding a grudge. The pointlessness was still there "May he never become more of a bastard than he already is."


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