[Sync 001]

Jan 04, 2009 21:25

Who: Sync and Asch
Where: Espoir
Style: Third
Status: Open but WATCH OUT, as Asch and Sync are probably going to be in the process of blowing each other up 8| Just sayin'.

Sync hadn't even been in Somarium for all that long, and he was already driving himself crazy.

He needed something to do. Some way to make himself useful, to be specific. But in a place like this, that was apparently all too much to ask for, and that left him extremely restless after not that much time spent in the same place. At least now it was quieter...those fireworks had just been downright obnoxious.

Good thing those were gone. If he'd gone outside while those were still going on like he had now, it would have been far too much.

sync the tempest, !location: espoir, asch the bloody

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