Tim Wayne / TALON / Issue #3

May 15, 2010 22:04

Who: gourmetburgers (really Tim Wayne/Red Robin) & somarium
Where: One of Somni's banks
Style: 1st or 3rd, just not 2nd
Status: Open like YOUR MOM
Note: See here for details on how Tim is affected, as well as not-a-spoiler.

[A young man wearing massive rain boots, a trench coat over his entire body, and a fedora over his head was walking, camouflaged by the populace on his way to the nearest bank. He silently paced into the rolling doors, and approached a clerk at the counter. With one tilt of his own head backwards, the fedora fell off. He kicked his own rain boots away, and stripped himself of his coat to reveal an armored costume. His crimson domino mask was enough to elucidate his reputation: this was Talon, the protege of the late Owlman! He took out a specialized revolver with incendiary ammo, aiming it right at the clerk's face. She hesitated.]

You know what I want. This happens too often for you to forget. Remember?

[Everyone else around him could not help but shriek, stare, or remain petrified. Some attempted to escape, but explosive gel planted near the door detonated at their faces. That scared civilians away from the door, as Talon raised his free hand.]

I don't want to personally remind you, myself.

[One grown man amongst the many others present charged at Talon, attempting to throw a punch at him. His battle cry sounded awesome, but his form was not. Talon dodged the blow and grabbed the man's arm, before flipping his revolver in his hand to break the man's elbow with, melee-style. The guy was simply kicked over into submission, flying over a desk before wiping the floor without a villain to drag him. Talon continued aiming at the clerk's face, slowly flipping the switch at the back of his firearm.]

Pray to God that you're not next.
[Later on, Talon emerged from the bank with bags and bags of dough. This was going to pay for a lot more expenses in his construction of the Q.E.D. He really felt steps closer to his goal. Unfortunately, the police sirens were only getting louder and louder. Crowds of pedestrians were clearing and spreading out. Traffic dissipated at the next opportunity. If he left now, that would provoke more of a pursuit by the cops. It was best for him to confuse them upon confrontation with several smoke pellets, and disappear then; right when the smoke had their attention. Before anything happened, he tied the money bags to his utility belt.

Regardless, pursuit wasn't half bad. The police did arrive, and he did throw the pellets down. By the time the smoke disappeared, every single cop was incapacitated. One or two had five scratches on their respective faces. Three or four were on the floor, their elbows fractured. Five or six were taken down with shades of black, red, and blue on their exposed skin. The rest? Talon wasn't merciful to them either. He used lethal force, but he didn't necessarily kill them. Not yet. At least one of Somarium's finest had the sense to call for back up, though.]

!location: somni, !moon: cycle 20, tim wayne, stephanie brown, ken hidaka

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