[ Open Log ] Half Gone

May 13, 2010 22:27

Who: D and OPEN
Where: Espoir
When: The following night of the change, about 2am, if your character is up
Status: Open
Notes: D is unaffected. I'll match you, 1st or 3rd person. And the starting post is kind of TLDR, sorry about that.

Can You Meet me Halfway? )

!moon: cycle 20, !location: espoir, d, loki (devil survivor), yuuki kuran/cross, takuma ichijou

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not_my_grandpa May 14 2010, 22:42:40 UTC
Barking...that barking. It was so loud. The temporarily former-vampire already had problems falling asleep at night for some reason, this wasn't helping. Sometimes he would just lay there awake for a while then have to busy himself with something mundane to put him to sleep. It was a strange condition he's had since he was a child. Valjean's family doctor, Hatori, called it "insomnia".

He got out of his bed, changed into some outside wear and quietly went down to take care of the barking problem. Either shushing it or taking it back to its owner. As long as he could get some quiet, he would be fine.

Once the blond Valjean made it outside, he followed the sound of the yipping and came upon a cute, little rotti puppy. He looked down at the puppy, kneeling down to its level.

"Now you should be quiet. There are people trying to sleep, puppy"


nothiskidthanks May 14 2010, 23:36:55 UTC
The puppy seemed to grow even more excited at seeing him. His silver tags gave a faint jingle, and the little mutt gave him a happy yip, going right over to him and nuzzling happily into his hand, licking it a few times. And then, the little puppy rested his paws on Ichijou's knee, licking his cheek.

D rounded the house, and finally saw Lefty rolling about--right at Takuma. The former dhampir shook his head, his mood becoming less worried and more amused than anything. His face only held the slightest hint of it, however, and the exceptionally tall, handsome man moved towards the blond.

"Levitan. Come here."


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 04:11:59 UTC
Takuma chuckled as the puppy showed him friendly affection, licking his cheek and nuzzling him. "You're a friendly puppy, aren't you?", he said with a chuckle.

He then looked up when he saw the tall, gorgeous man come into sight and call out the puppy's name.

The blond ruffled Lefty-puppy's head then nudged him. "Go on, Levitan. Go to your owner", he said gently.

The schoolboy stood up and looked over at D, smiling at him. "He's certainly a loud one", he laughed.


nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 05:28:33 UTC
"I'm sorry," D stated, leaning down and picking the puppy up. He held the little Rottweiler in his hands, giving Lefty a look. The evil beast scrambled his legs wildly in Takuma's direction, D giving him a flat look as he stood there in his well-tailored brown trousers, billowing shirt and leather suspenders that crossed at his back.

The sable-haired beauty looked towards Takuma, blinking with long lashes slowly at him.

"...Out for a walk?"


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 05:42:22 UTC
The blond shook his head. "I was actually going to find the source of the barking, I was trying to sleep", he said giving D a bashful smile and scratching the back of his head.

"He's a cute puppy, though. And very friendly", he said walking over to pet the dog on the head again.

"It's quite late, did he escape from your house?"


nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 05:50:36 UTC
"Hm, yes, actually... I had thought he was yours, but... then I saw the name and realized he was actually Lefty." D shook his head.

"I suppose Somarium is up to its old games again..."


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 05:52:56 UTC
Takuma tilted his head. That was a confusing statement. "Why would you have thought he was mine? Has he been poking around my house recently?", he asked.

But then D said something confusing again. " 'Old games'? What do you mean?"


nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 05:56:09 UTC
"No, he hasn't. The last time I was at your house was for Alice's party earlier this month." The tall man shook his head. "I just thought you may have let yourself in and had brought the animal with you."

Now, it was D's turn to give him a confused look. "...What do I mean? you know what I mean, Takuma. The jungle? The dreams?"


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 05:59:07 UTC
This was really getting more and more confusing? Who was this man? How on Somarium did he know his name? He couldn't have been at his dear, sweet sister's birthday party earlier this month, Papa would have never allowed it and he's a hard person to miss. Or was he lurking around suspiciously?

"I...don't know anything about a jungle", he said with a nervous chuckle, taking a slight step back. "Have we met before, sir?"


nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 06:01:55 UTC
It was then D's face faltered, but the faintest. Even the puppy in his hands gave a confused noise.

"...Wait. Takuma... you... you don't know who I am? You were just over at my house a few nights ago."

This... this was odd. Strange. How could the blond of not known who he was? Was he sick?

"...Are you all right?"


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 06:06:10 UTC
He shook his head again. "I don't remember going to anyone's house a few nights ago. I was here eating dinner with my family", he said.

"I'm fine. Just a bit tired, but...", he looked down for a moment before looking back up at him a bit warily.

"How do you know who I am? Do you go to the local University?" He had applied there, after all and had been there several times. Maybe he knew him through someone else?

But this was the second person this week to have told him that they knew him and he had no idea who they were. Maybe all of the studying was getting to his head.


nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 06:09:25 UTC
"...University?" They had a university here?

D stared at him for a bit, quiet, contemplative. He knew who he was. D knew he wasn't crazy. How did Takuma, of all people on Somarium, not recognize him right off the bat? The tall man just stood there, his expression a-kin to shock. It settled, finally, resting into a dazed expression of something close to hopelessness.

"...I don't go to university. I'm older than I look. Are... you sure you don't know who I am, Takuma?"


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 06:16:38 UTC
The blond was silent for a moment, his brows furrowed in contemplation, obviously trying to place a name to his face or his face to a memory, but nothing. He wasn't recalling anything. He was drawing a complete blank.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know...", he said in an apologetic tone, his face matching. "But I guess I know who you are now"

He held out his hand to shake. "I'm Takuma Valjean, it's a pleasure to meet you", he said.


1/2 nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 06:17:52 UTC
2/2 nothiskidthanks May 15 2010, 06:23:17 UTC
The former dhampir stayed silent. When Takuma's hand came out to introduce himself (Valjean?), the expression on D's face....

...D didn't know the kind of expression he was making. All he knew was that it felt odd. And something in his chest, his real, pounding, human heart, hurt. Horribly.

The expression remained on his face, stricken there, before it slowly dissipated, and the now human man let out a "hmmm", as if in amusement.

"...On second thought," D stated, gently guiding Takuma's hand off to the side. "...Perhaps its best you don't remember me."

He pulled his hand away, turning from the young blond was a wave of his sable locks of hair. The cascade fluttered behind him as D headed off, Lefty in tow as he headed out, back towards his house.


not_my_grandpa May 15 2010, 06:41:08 UTC
Takuma watched as D's expression changed and fell, then changed again. He dropped his hand to his side when D rejected his handshake. He looked hurt. Though the expression didn't hurt as much as it normally would have since he "didn't know" him.

His brows furrowed in confusion for a moment. What did he do?


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