Javert ✍ 010 --> Introducing the Family

May 13, 2010 01:11

Who: Chief Inspector Javert, Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth, Javert's Horde of a Family, Anyone Else Near The Station
Where: District Five Police Headquarters
Style: Script/First Person, though the starter post is in third person. This will probably be a zoo.
Status: Open. It is recommended that newcomers post a new thread and not try to enter the Zoo of a Family thread. Javert's family is somewhat large and special, so it would not be entirely surprising if they attracted attention.

Chief Inspector Javert grimaced into his half-gone mug of coffee.

He and Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth were regrouping after a long day of investigative Pac-Man: there were plenty of tidbits and clues to be had, but they couldn't quite reach the big blinking epiphany they wanted. To those affected by the recent comings and goings of the full moon, the Inspector's demeanor and posture would be a nightly expectation. But to those wondering what insanity has gripped Somarium this week, a very evident change has overcome him.

Javert is leaning against his desk, not quite sitting, not quite standing against its surface, his back to the glass-front wall of his office. He was dressed in a dark trenchcoat and a battered suit, a pair of aviator sunglasses dangling from his breast pocket. He thoughtfully swirled a mug of coffee in one hand, and in the other was his legal pad full of the day's notes. Edgeworth was pacing near the window, a mug of tea in his hands.

They were sharing a moment of thoughtful silence, something Javert found less and less commonplace since that day 18 years ago when...

Well. He'll just enjoy the time to piece together his clues while he can. He almost missed the ticking sound of the clock on the wall.

"There is a rat in the fox-den," said Javert bluntly after a lengthy quiet, tossing the notes to his desk. He raised his eyes to Edgeworth. "The security is too thick at the labs for a breach. Best case, we may run a check on all lab employees. But we can't give it faith. Authorization and warrants on a large scale are.... difficult." He frowns, his nose scrunching with mild revulsion.

"You understand."

javert, miles edgeworth, !moon: cycle 20, kay faraday, akihiko sanada, naomi hunter

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