Tim Wayne / Red Robin / Issue #2

May 01, 2010 11:01

Who: gourmetburgers (Tim Wayne) & scientize
Where: Main Research Lab Facility, Governmental District (5th)
Style: First, why not.
Status: Very much not unclosed. Plus, backlogged to right after this one.

[Tim wanted answers. After exploring potential leads for them with Stephanie, he was ready to search further. He also wanted a glimpse of Somarium's true nature. There was this theory in the back of his mind for those who've left and/or returned - were they subjected to an illusion of home in their absence? Amongst other topics, he even said it himself, "Except, I have to know if anyone really left this place and returned. I want to find out if their experiences outside of Somarium are genuine. Has anyone tried to prove that all of it wasn't an illusion? A trick to make them believe they've really left Somarium? This place is too elusive. You can see that in the ghosts, that floating castle, the mysteries of the desert and the sea.. Regardless of whether or not we're copies, something is wrong."

Sneaking into the lab was very simple. Maneuvering around the views of video cameras was a day-to-day activity for him back in Gotham. Silently making his way into the only room Naomi would enter soon didn't hurt either. Anticipating an encounter with her, Tim found a dark corner to hide in, extending his cape over himself to remain camouflaged. There was no time to appreciate all the pretty equipment. Besides, this lady was a person who left Somarium and returned. That was a story he wanted to hear.]

tim wayne, !location: naomi's lab, naomi hunter

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