Lightning ⌘ 01

Apr 02, 2010 20:03

Who: shines_bright and somarium
Where: Industrial District
Style: Either!
Status: Open!!! ♥

[After having woken up leaning on a concrete, worn-down building in the middle of seemingly no where, Lightning was not in the best of moods. She set up a landmark, a sign that said Industrial District on it, and tried to make her way deeper into the district to look for her companions, and after having passed the sign several times, her mood was slowly dampening even further. Her companions were missing, she was missing, and clearly she was getting no where with this.

With the last of her patience, she unsheathed her Blazefire Saber and morphed it into gun formation. She shifted her stance so that she could comfortably aim for the sky, and after a small, momentary pause, she fired several continuous bursts. She wasn’t desperate enough to call names at this point and besides, gun fire was much louder anyway.

It would alert anything in range, be it companion or enemy, and she really didn’t care which came first. From what she had seen the place was lifeless and any life at all would be a good sign.]

hope estheim, !location: somni, rikku, terra branford, lightning, travis touchdown, argilla

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