Nakago 001

Apr 02, 2010 02:20

Who: Nakago and Javert
Where: The Courthouse (I believe so anyways...)
Style: Either!
Status: Closed ( Read more... )

javert, !location: somni, !location: courthouse, nakago

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seiryuu_warrior April 3 2010, 09:58:55 UTC
This must be the man he was to see. Bowing his head politely, Nakago let the cold demand roll off of him. It hadn't bothered him in the least. Not when he'd experienced worse and done worse. Casually, he observed the interior of this place again. For future reference should he require such unnecessary knowledge.

But, to answer the question posed to him at the same time was important and that was not lost on him. To gain trust meant to not be a cause of impatience in another.

"I am Nakago. I am here for an appointment."

His attitude was just as calm, just as polite as it had been during their conversation prior. Not once did he let his eyes stray too long where they shouldn't. He was not a member of the force yet so it was not his place to know what was on the papers. On the other hand, an observant eye would wander slightly. Yet a confident eye would take note of everything while showing no signs of caring about potential danger.

If there were, he could rid the room of it.

"Are you the one I am here to speak to?"

It was easy to fall into the role of deferring to another while still showing he was capable. It was the exact role he used when dealing with the fool of an emperor while in Kutou. Or when he was encouraging his priestess to rule over a situation.


chose_death April 3 2010, 10:29:13 UTC
"Of course," Javert muttered when the man revealed his identity, though it was unclear whether he directed it to Nakago or only to himself.

Whatever slight irritability he felt at the sudden interruption evaporated instantly, and Javert's characteristic calm resurfaced. But the Inspector's calm differed in several key dimensions from Nakago's well-mannered bow. His calm was cold as deadwood, soothing yet frightening all at once, lacking the polished manners evident in the blond man's greeting. But at the same time it carried a sense of authority and equanimity in its strictest form. The look in his eye reflected this curious intermingling of savage and nobility; it can be said that with that gaze, he weighed each observable factor carefully and judged.

For several long moments, Javert cast this particular judging gaze on Nakago, examining the man from head to toe. Massive frame. Military posture. Strange garb, vaguely Oriental. No fear in the eyes. Confident. Calm. If his physique was anything like the shape of his outfit indicated, then perhaps Javert had found a man capable of taking down the infamous Jean le Cric, Valjean, himself.

Without truly answering Nakago's question, he moved on.

"Are you as strong as you look?"


seiryuu_warrior April 3 2010, 19:10:17 UTC
Nakago waited patiently for Javert to finish his observations. He noted how once his sudden arrival became part of the schedule, the man lost his irritation and regained his composure. It was easy to also note that they differed from each other in some way. This was not a concern though since such a thing could be valuable later.

When it was his turn to speak again, Nakago answer the question rather than showing concern about the lack of an answer he'd received.

"I am stronger than I look."

A statement of fact that somehow came off as modest. He would not brag about his strengths but instead leave a clue for more so that Javert could pick up on it if he so desired. It was possible to be confident without being cocky and he knew when to cross that line. Currently, it would not be appropriate. Nor would it aid him. He wanted the man to know that he was confident in his abilities but knew when to use them. That included mental, physical, and power.

Again, he fell silent as he waited for the man to speak again.


chose_death April 4 2010, 22:00:24 UTC
Calm and oddly polite. Honest. Confident without boorishness. A gleam of intelligence in the eye. At the man's response, Javert arched a dark eyebrow.

"We'll see."

But Javert was inclined to take him by his word, though the mystery of how he managed to slide into the room so silently still lurked in the back of his mind.

Nakago was beyond suitable for this position. The Inspector considered the blond's options within the Somarium Surêté in deliberate silence. If the city had a functioning and full prison, this man would have made an excellent warden. His height and stockiness were too distinctive to make him a police-spy, and besides, he was too noble in physique for that line of work. What did that leave to keep the good ex-General occupied? The old lingering goal of finding an eventual replacement for his position resurfaced, but that would come after quiet, attentive observation.

The question Javert asked next was quite unexpected. Perhaps there was a trick to it.

"How much are you willing to dirty your hands?"


seiryuu_warrior April 5 2010, 05:06:30 UTC
It was a little game. Feeding this information to Javert to leave him wanting more. Dangling it just before him so that the man knew he was perfect for this. That was the point of all this. TO enter the police and work his way up through the ranks. Just as he had accomplished with the Kutou army.

The next question was treated with the same calm that Nakago had given everything thus far. It seemed nothing could shake him. A valuable asset for someone who would be dealing with dangerous and unpredictable situations.

He knew that well.

For several long moments, he seemed to ponder the question. He already had his answer but that was not something Javert needed to know.

"Such would depend on the situation. There are times when one must dirty one's hands in order to bring about the desired result. It is not always the favorable course of action but favorable should not be what we rely on. I am willing to do what I have to in order to see to it that the task presented is accomplished."

There was conviction in his tone and maybe, just maybe, the slightest tough of regret at what had to be done at times. However, this did not show on his face and his calm never wavered. It was clear that he had already dirtied his hands in the past.

Many, many times over.


chose_death April 6 2010, 09:33:55 UTC
"Good. Although you won't get any sympathy or friends from this profession," said Javert bluntly, his owlish gaze cold and nigh unblinking. "And rarely any honor. A dash of dirt, an open ear, and one official badge will hold you twice removed from the citizens here. You ought to sleep easy, however. The most dirt you'll get is what's under your feet. There is no martial law. We are committed to guarding lives, not judging them."

The Inspector drew a sheet of paper from his desk. It was a contract - a report, a form of some sort - already filled out with Nakago's name and a few short paragraphs detailing his terms of employment. He paused abruptly, just as he pulled his pen from the inkwell, its plump tip hovering above the jar.

"There is one thing more." The Inspector brought the plume of his pen to rest beside his mouth. "Did you read the Code?"


seiryuu_warrior April 6 2010, 21:57:06 UTC
"I am not here to make friends or to gain sympathy nor honor." Respect and allies were another matter entirely. But he knew how to gain those with ease. Nakago was no fool and knew how to best gain the advantage with what or who was around him.

This was a new world but people remained people. Any of them were fair game for manipulation.

"I have read the Code." That had happened during his exploration of the device. Nakago found the Dreamberry to be useful and now used his knowledge of it to his advantage. Just as he did everything else. How fortunate that he saw that necessary since reading the Code had given him a potential new edge for this situation with Javert.


chose_death April 8 2010, 09:09:25 UTC
Javert gave a grim smile and slowly offered the pen to Nakago. His attitude was not like the Inspector's own, in his youth, and he held himself like a capable and intelligent man. But earning Javert's favor was not always beneficial, particularly for those unprepared to spend long hours taking over another man's shift.

"Sign," he instructed abruptly. "You will belong to me, as an agent of the state. You will receive a patrol route on your device to-morrow at eight o'clock, and one other assignment. You're a firm lad, are you not? Yes, the strongest ox in the service. A noble ox, not one of those ungainly thuggish beasts. Much too well-bred."

And that was precisely what intrigued Javert so much. Men of well-bred stock did not willingly choose to stoop to the level of the police.

Except this one.

With his partial-monologue complete, Javert raised his cold eyes again to Nakago.

"But that is for after your dossier is filed." The sentence struck a note of finality. Javert bent over his desk, his massive chin pressed into the equally massive palm of his hand in cold, calculating silence, and stared. This should have allowed Nakago ample time to soak in everything that was said. Yet a certain discomfort settled in that office, as if there were still a sharp question lingering in the air that remained unspoken.


seiryuu_warrior April 8 2010, 09:35:30 UTC
It almost amused him that Javert didn't wish to know of any other abilities. On the other hand, he was not going to offer them up unless questioned. Surprising abilities used to benefit the force would prove him to be valuable. And he intended to prove that he was valuable so he could gain a higher ranking in this area of the city. Such would aid him greatly.

Taking the pen, he absorbed what Javert had to say. Nakago understood and he made that clear with a nod.

He let the pen hover over the paper without signing as cool blue eyes shifted to look up at the older man. The man that he could destroy in an instant but chose not to. The moment lingered before he spoke again.

"Is there anything else you would like to add?" It was polite a question as ever, no bite to it at all. Merely a gesture to make sure his superior officer had covered everything. A way of showing that he was already submitting to his authority. He was making this a calculated move that seemed so fluid and easy.


chose_death April 9 2010, 08:56:20 UTC
For Nakago to believe that Javert overlooked something as important as individual skills and abilities was a mistake. Javert knew there was something about this man that he had not yet shared, starting with one strange mystery that he intended to probe further: did Adachi show the man in, or had Nakago found another way to crack the courthouse office? He arched a brow at the blond.

"Apparently you want to add something," said Javert brusquely. It was only part of the truth. Nakago asking that question at all gave the Inspector the impression that he had something else to say. He would hear out all of the ex-generals words before continuing.

"Well! Go on and speak it."


seiryuu_warrior April 9 2010, 09:06:44 UTC
Setting the pen down, Nakago bowed his head politely. "I would like to show you. It would be easier to do than to explain. That is if you will allow it."

Give the man room to control the situation further. Realize that there was proof of something more and want to know what it was. At this point, it could only be something beneficial. That was all he had given to the man since stepping into this room. Why would he have reason to give him anything less?

"The demonstration will be brief."


chose_death April 11 2010, 05:40:20 UTC
Silence. Javert stared at Nakago thoughtfully. He rose from his too-short chair, giving his long legs a stretch, and strode to the office window. He clasped his hands at his back, the wrists of his shirtsleeves loosened to accomodate the rising heat in Somarium.

His cold gaze honed in on a patch of green not far away.

"Do you need more space?" Javert jutted a chin toward the ground. Opposite the courthouse building was a small city park. "Let's not scatter our paperwork, then. That will do."


seiryuu_warrior April 11 2010, 05:58:47 UTC
"That will be suitable. Would you prefer I walk there with you or meet you there?" Once more he put the control in Javert's hands. Then he could show him how powerful he had the potential to be. Show him what a powerful tool he had at his disposal.

Thus far, everything was going according to plan.

He waited patiently and seemed not to be disturbed at all by the heat that was rising in Somarium. It was hardly anything compared to what he had faced in his own world.


chose_death April 11 2010, 06:09:12 UTC
Javert's eyebrow flew up, though he barely tilted his head in Nakago's direction. He kept his eyes locked on the park.

"Walk with me," said Javert. He turned away from the window and plucked his battered old hat off a nearby wall-hook. "Then you may show me your alternative travel arrangements." Javert got the hint from Nakago's speech and manner that the ex-general meant more than a simple difference in route. He motioned for the blond to follow him and headed briskly for the door.


seiryuu_warrior April 11 2010, 06:15:32 UTC
They walked to the park in silence and that suited Nakago fine. Sometimes words were unnecessary and could only cloud a moment. In this case, he actually wanted Javert to be seeing things somewhat clearly.

Upon arriving at the park, he walked a small distance away then turned to bow his head to the older man. With that, he walked further away then that and summoned his power. In the blink of an eye, he'd faded from view.

Only to reappear directly in front of Javert. The only difference about him being a blue oriental character upon his forehead, slightly hidden by his bangs. "That was how I entered the building."


chose_death April 15 2010, 06:50:43 UTC
Javert considered this carefully.

It was not that he wasn't surprised. He was prepared for something spectacular, yes, because the blond had hinted at it more than enough times. But instantaneous travel is not something anyone from an average universe could be fully prepared for. His eyes contracted and widened slightly at the display, taking away from his otherwise impassive features.

And then... Javert smirked dryly. The skill certainly had plenty of uses, as unsettling as the ability was. So long as the man was on his team, it would be difficult for any criminal to slip away very easily.

"Then I will know who to call in a sticky bind." The Inspector folded his arms across his chest, a thoughtful gaze on Nakago. "What else is there?"


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