joshua ₪ 012

Apr 01, 2010 23:13

Who: Little!Josh and somarium 
Where: Somni, outside the library
Style:  Either
Status:  So open

[ Needless to say, the urge to explore had grown to be overwhelming.  That and the fact that as a child, he never really did like being in one place too long.  It created an unnerving sense of imminent doom.  Of dread.  Besides, he liked visiting new places.  They always inspired him to hum little new tunes, or think of new catchy melodies.  The words to the melodies always escaped him, though.  He never was one with words.  It was like trying to put words to a piece of art.  Like Starry Sky.  What words could properly convey the message of the picture?  Words were superfluous.

So all aside, the six year old Joshua, still wearing a baggy shirt that was really far too large for him, accompanied with a Dreamberry and a small toss-pillow, just for comforts sake, ended up finding his way to the library.  Well, at least, the steps outside of it, where he was seated.  There he sat, absently poking through a small cluster of Music Sheets he had found back in the apartment.   Help a little boy out?  Or scare the usual!bastard and enact revenge on him? ]

!location: somni, yoshiya "joshua" kiryu

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